Best wodka ever

Yesterday night I drank the very best wodka Ive drunken in my life so far
It tasted like it was water and fucked me up so freaking badly that I didnt found my way home for 1 1/2 hours

image: skyy_90_vodka_gr
Quotetasted like water

Thats the sense of good filtering, if I would want to taste it freaking badly I could also drink ethanol
very interesting
why drink something which tastes like water at a party
You don't drink on a party, you drink at a party,
thx for pointing that out
np, been pointing out the wrongs of on's and at's to dutchies germans and polaks for quite some time now
jelzin wodka 3,79€ bei edeka > your piece of capitalsim alcohol
Unterschichtengesöff pls
oh please :D
360° vodka - thats the best u can simply buy at a supermarket

AKDOV ultimate - think the best if had so far

image: akdov
absolut, old parliament, russki kalibr, old mernaya, russki standart and sometimes pyat ozer

with zakuzka ofc \o/
old mernaya.It's like on of the shitties vodka ever :d I mean we here in Estonia never drink it and only poor people drink it, it's like so shit that only asocials should drink it :d.
was good here ~8 months ago
became shit though
It's always been shit :D
well, maybe I had to drink it twice to realize it's shit

and poor people drink window cleaner :D
here, poor people drink odecolon. It's very cheap russian after shave :D
haha, my mother once told me that the poor people drank it in her youth
laua viin/viru valge

shittiest vodka i ever tasted, no offence and i dont understand how every possible estonian is drinking it
vodka sucks
We usually buy either Puschkin or Gorbatschov, Smirnoff tastes bad and is too expensive, Absolut is nice but 'expensive' , Jelzin is fucking crap same goes for Kaliskaya -.-
how can you even drink 37,5 % badly filtered shit ?
Hab ich nen Geldscheisser? :P Letztendlich läuft es eh nur darauf hinaus betrunken zu sein und da kanns mir so ziemlich egal sein ob er gut gefiltert oder schlecht gefiltert ist. Kann ja nicht jeden Tag meinen Nachbarn nachm Selbstgebrannten fragen. :D
12 euro kostet die billige version vom sky wodka und ist um längen besser wie alles andere was du im supermarkt kaufen kannst. stehst du lieber mit kopfweh auf oder kotzt anstatt am nächsten morgen gut drauf zu sein?
Mag sein, dass er besser ist aber ich glaube da unterscheiden wir uns, denn ich hab NIE nen Karter oder Kopfschmerzen egal wieviel ich trinke oder was ich trinke. ;) Hab wohl doch einmal während meiner Schaffensphase gute Gene vererbt bekommen. Deshalb kann es mir eben ziemlich Schnuppe sein ob er qualitativ hochwertig ist oder net.
hatte ich auch bis 19 jetzt bin ich instant verkatert :<<
Havent drank vodka in years and dont really miss it.
had the same between 16 and 19 I hated vodka so badly
vodka tastes like shit
image: russian-standard

Russian Standard
Not so random vodka pic from google

image: scorpion_yellow_vodka
trolololol germans posting in topic about u know something about it;D
guess we invaded every wodka-producing country in the past.
so i guess we know something about it.
samagon for sure!
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