by IceQ by IceQ

what do you prefer 360° on your pad from left to right or 180° on your pad from left to right

or something else :þ

and do you aim with your wrist or your whole arm?

image: reply
image: jYshZ
image: hotchick
dont even think i can make 180
you iz in GermanyGermanyGermanygermany?
180° script! np!
420° or smth
iceQ_aimfov 360 does it for you I heard
360° and 180° from right to left
360° I hate lowsens
dunno, feels nice
180° over 40 cm
sens 10
dpi 5000
aimfov 360
aim value 0.6

bind mouse1 "+forward;+sprint; +attack"
270° on mine
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