WC 2010 so far

Disappointing...It had a great start with South Africa vs Mexico, which was a very fast paced match, but after that so far the scores didn't pass the 2's and too many ties, and most of the goals are actually mistakes by the GK's...And let's not talk about the niggerhorn fuckers.
pretty boring indeed
SA vs Mexico was really really boring. It's a shame there aren't a lot of goals or chances. It seems like everyone is scared of scoring!
i liked it, had some great moments, both tried to attack, both had their chances
the rest so far were seriously boring, though it was quite fun watching south korea, but france, uruguay, england, usa...fuck there's like 5 shots max on the target
ghana - serbia was interesting

hoping for something better tonight tho
seriously,those niggerhorns turn me into a fucking racist
i think niggers are to blame for disabling player communication on the pitch.
niggerhorn fuckers gonna fuck
ghana - serbia was interesting to watch... but the rest sucked. :o
I hope you mean the last 10 minutes, which wasn't even satisfying.
fap if u want to be satisfied
Worst (let's hope start) WC ever
Like any opening match is a fast paced match..
so far i only saw South Corea vs Greece and Argentina vs. Nigeria..
decent matches..

image: vuvuzela
image: megafono
Well I wasnt too disappointed.. usually I expect the worst [especially in football] but these last games were sufferable xD
ata bemet shomea et ha vuvuzela haze be ma'alah hamishak?
sound is on half or more, but i don't mind it, doesnt annoy me to much(i like noise)
referees are almost flawless, really worth mentioning.
Surprising how stupid some players are to get double yellow cards
Black keepers rolling the white ones over and over
long passes fail over and over
defensive games suck
no weird goals from longrange high shots, as people feared beforehand
well Mexico plays very slow, boring match..
Wait for the German match tonight.

Well, it's kinda normal. In the first match, nobody wants to lose. There will be more exciting and thrilling matches after the first matchday.
nerds gers gonna get rolled ;)
Germany will surprise. (Semifinals would be a big surprise)
will you whine if ger loses?
will you whine if isreal wont participate?
I will cry, in case of we are out of the tournament. Hopefully it won't happen. :(
there is nothing more satisfying than seeing a german crying! i definitely want australia to win :d
oh you! :'(
Must be a shitty feeling for the international community that we are so fucking awesome. :(
Football is a fucking joke.
this is the door
image: texas_mens_room
open it and leave..
yes, we should all play checkers.
ofcourse, lots of openingmatches are boring, since both teams pretty much always play on counter because noone wants to lose their first match.
What, 6 games played so far?
Stop whining.
7 games, 3 tied. there were only 11 ties in the wc'06 group stage
Ties can be be interesting and fun to watch too, so what you're saying is not making sense.
oh wow.. boring football matches? I can't understand how that could be possible
I couldn't stop laughing about England yesterday, I'm so sorry but....how can a GK like that play a WC?
Did you see Algerian goalies fail?
Have seen to much fails for my likings....still the best matches are to come. Germany for example hopefully they will make the matches a little bit exiting. Tomorrow "we" The Netherlands got to face Denmark...wondering how we will do..
nerds who cant lift a foot whining about football
what the fuck do u want?
I find people who cant see the difference between real football and football you play on a console stupid.

Stop whining, every team has its ups and downs, and if you havent noticed, they are all trying to get through the group face risking as little as possible.
i dont play console football games
what is your problem? didn't get laid yestrday?
Argentina - Nigeria wasn't so bad, but I have to agree with you :P
ye fucked up start. Every team is too scared to lose & they all play way to defensive. Fucking boring to watch.
Argentina played quite nice
not that all..
if argentina faced a really good team, we might even lose with those 2 chances that Nigeria had in the 2d half!

played decent 1st half, didnt score the opportunity they had during the game thanks their goalkeeper.
Just wait till tommorow. If you want see attacking football, we don't care that much if we get goal against us. We just need to make more than.
Ghana - Serbia was a nice match !
wait till tomorow :]
ill be in exam when nl plays xD shame
nad im fucking working -__-
It's like I'm watching friendly matches. None of the teams I saw gave any effort, no pace whatsoever and every team is way to defensive. Always keeping 8 man behind the ball and they attack (if you can call it attack) with 2 or 3.
funny how no1 mentions that CRAPPY SHIT BALL, i know it sounds like whine but its just true. the ball is just shit u might say ye but they trained with it.. still on these fields the ball bounces so weird and goes a lot faster then normal. thats why long passes are 90 % too hard. also every free kick has gone over the crossbar cause it wont go down. and even passes from ground when it bounces a lil are unpredictable as we've seen with 6 goalkeepers already. it just floats like a feather and is therefor less controllable. i think thats the main reason why it looks so shit for now, but i hope the players can adjust to it and get a lil control over it through out the games.

still spain brazil and holland have their 1st game coming so lets see what they do with this knowledge.
pala, noone care what you think.
WC 2010 so far (58 comments)
oh my god, 58 comments. 58 comments are about their opinions, noone care what you think.
yeah first games are boring, they're all scared of losing. Lets hope brazil/italy/spain/netherlands/germany show something way better :)
in the next games teams will have to attack if they wanna continue : P
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