Nerd computer system journal

Since most of you probs know alot more about computers than i do i have a questionnnn, well a couple really!

Basically when ever im playing ET i always get blue screens after 20-30 minutes of playing, not sure what the reason is, but i know ill need to collect the faught codes to find out the problem....

The question is, is how do i find these codes to solve the problems? Once somebody can tell me how to get these codes i will post them up, and will need help with this matter!

Thanks alot <3

image: revengeofthenerds
The code should be on the blue screen itself.. But I had the same problem, turns out I needed a new graphics card. Try reinstalling the drivers to see if that helps.
go for a format!
Go to Start -> Control Panel -> System
Go to Advanced
Under the Startup and Recovery section, click Settings...
Under System Failure un-check "Automatically restart"

Oh dear google.
You only change the fact that the system automaticly reboots on a failur. But the problem is still there, jesus...

And obviously he did that already otherwise he wouldnt get a bluescreen
QuoteThe question is, is how do i find these codes to solve the problems?

he thought he didnt get the bluesreen for long enough b4 retstart to write down the code, jesus....

how could he have known hes too dumb to simply google once he got it.
there is no "long enough"

you get a bluescreen or you dont get one. It will stay until you reboot your system
i, sadly, had many bluescreens in my life and the "restart automatically" doesnt mean that the PC doesnt bluescreen at all but that it (tries) to restart once that happens.
you can very often ctach a glims of the bluescreen before it reboots so you know that you had one but you dont know the errorcode.
Yeah sure, i know that ^^

But Tekn0 said nowhere that he dont got a bluescreen neither that he cant read it. More like that he dont know whats the meaning of the code is. Thats why i wrote this ironic comment to hkrep because his advice wasnt helping at all.

But overall you are right, sometimes you see a bluescreen for like a second eventho you disabled it :)
i would have actually commented the same cauz i tought its more likely that he doesnt get the code in the first place rather than that he doesnt know what to do with it.
No, the default is actually an auto-reboot. Those settings prevent that. You still see the buescreen for like 1 second with it on.
yes, but if you turned on to show a bluescreen it will get shown as long as you dont reboot your system :)
read your blue screen for once, had it once too but my video card was overheated so nP
Paint your monitor in pink!
Another problem solved by Le MarseilleFrancis.
image: MS12a1
dELETE system 32
check temps with gpu-z and coretemp
...if your motherboard support that
his athlon cpu got temp sensors
his 8600gt got temp sensors

epic win?

If your motherboard dont support that kind of info, you can get like 20 sensors on your graka or cpu and still you dont see the right temp :)
Mouse: razer deathadder

Do you have tray-tools 'on' when you play? I got blue screens if I shut it and tried to play.
somewhere on the Windows site you can type in the number of the problem to find out whats happening. Otherwise there are some informations in the bluescreen itself already. If you got a cam do a picture and upload it :)
and what does the bluescreen say? if it reboots immediatly do what hkrep said or start up with f8 and click on the reboot function disable line in the menu you get...

then post the 2nd line of the bluescreen and your error-codes.
If 2nd line starts with irql or smth it's 9/10 a driver problem
pc getting too hot maybe?
1. open your dvd drive
2. put your penis through the hole of the extension
3. press close
4. repeat 3 until your penis is bleeding
5. ???
6. profit
I like the way you're trolling :XD
he trolling wery bad yes, like you much do
i have the same problem with wow, well after 5-6 hrs not 30mins..

I suppose it is gfx getting to hot and freezing even if i'm not sure
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