ET - Sounds

I have a question for u pro cfg makers :)
In ure cfg u can bind keys and add a sound to it so u know u pushed that key
For example: bind backspace "resettimer; play sound\menu\select.wav"
Now i was wondering if u could replace "play sound\menu\select.wav" with other sounds and how they would sound like, a link to a site containing all this schit would be nice to xD

Thnx for ure time
You can, but u will get kicked from the most servers for changing that stuff.

You are welcome.
what next? classscript with BIGASS spam?
i guess you could add your own custom sounds in an extra .pk3 but prolly wont load on a pure server
Maybe I misunderstood you. Do you wanna use your own wavs or do u wanna just change to another ET sound file?
Other sound files from ET or ur own?
That's possible afaik. You can open the *.pk3 with e.g. winrar to check the path of the included sound files. Searching for a path list, gimme a sec.
kk couldn't find anything anyway
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