energy drinks?

you drink? how much do you drink?

last month i drink almost every day :O

Estonia hustler / Europe redbull.

feels good man.

negative effect:

you sleep alot after the effect
I don't :P
once a 1.5 month aproximately

if i don't i feel shit
shit fucks up ur teeth so bad!
That shit makes your balls shrink.
I only drink energy drinks and I sleep about 3 hours every night. But I don't have to pee alot or anything, even less than back when I drank water. Now I'm 100% energydrinks. My favourite is Hustler Strong
if ur not trolling i have the same story
you should drink loads of it, then have sex and fall into a coma
United KingdomRed devil PolandTiger
once or twice a week

image: lg_burn
no, none.
only redbull
maybe after once every few months after an all-nighter 4-5 hours before i want to go to bed
image: DSCF1099-400x400

half a box a day
Effect Energy Drink : )
i have monster like ever 5 days dont really drink energy drink, usually when i go to work tbh
I would say probably 1/2 a week.

Either Monster or Rockstar
red bull simply sux

Flying Horse > *
energy drink is a energy drink, who gives a shit
image: 008496

1 bottle = 97p, 1 can of RedBull = £1,20.
Austria Red Bull
Austria Red Bull
Austria Red Bull
Austria Red Bull
Austria Red Bull
Austria Red Bull
Austria Red Bull
Austria Red Bull
Austria Red Bull
Austria Red Bull
Austria Red Bull
Austria Red Bull
Austria Red Bull
Austria Red Bull
Austria Red Bull
Austria Red Bull
Austria Red Bull
Austria Red Bull
Austria Red Bull
Austria Red Bull
Austria Red Bull
Austria Red Bull
Austria Red Bull
Austria Red Bull
Austria Red Bull
Austria Red Bull
Austria Red Bull
Austria Red Bull
Austria Red Bull

and its awesome. all other fakes can stfu
awesome. gimme some.
Golden power from Aldi, like 5 a week?
35 cent fzo? :p
geen idee =), heb altijd zo'n heel krat in huis :P
chirokamp pakke wij ook 4 of 5 kratte mee
ma doort jaar drink ik da nooit, behalve wodka-redbull.
I just eat 0.5kg of sugar before I start playing.
when i was in holland i was drinking ~10 energy drinks each day for a week.. (24 energy drinks ~8euro; pretty cheap) can't remeber what it was..

edit: blue bastard

image: gsof3-00024_box
That tastes good
image: 8979

from this and last week
for :DDD
1liter braincelldamage ftw! :DDDDDDD

i still cant sleep since my first time :DDDDDDDDDDDD
Drank that stuff at 14:00, still not tired :PPPppPp

The first time I drank I didn't sleep for like 36h :XD (eventho I smoked some weed)
i must smoke weed so that i normally can sleep. :DDD:D:D without i cant :o and with mr. energy i cant as well :o :D

bestest energy drink eva.
naja nach den 36 std bin ich dann auch in mehr oder weniger komatösen schlaf gefallen :p
becaus eim k1kzzzzz i drink

image: Unknown_jpeg3
milk is better
Vodka-redbull <333
battery+vodka=better dunno why
nerds drinking energy drinks hahahaha

real men drink only booze
image: Battery_energy_drink
image: FINLANDIA_49dcce9fc2725

only way i drink energy drink
image: tiger_energy_drink_small
image: Energy-Drink-RedBull
almost every day 1 or 2 cans.
just sometimes, costs too much
Usually Magic Man, only when drinking vodka though, but I love

image: bild-1

<3 :)
Dude, Schwarze Dose 28 schmeckt mal so dreist beschissen,das hat mit Energy Drink nix mehr zu tun,das is sogar sexergy besser.
Schwarze Dose 28 schmeckt wie Punica mit Kohlensäure... >_<'
RedBull ftw
Hab ja auch nirgends behauptet, dass es nen Energydrink ist. :P Ich finds gut, schmeckt übrigends auch mit Wodka. Redbull geht mal garnicht schmeckt übelst beschissen seitdem ich es probiert hatte und ist dazu sowas von überteuert, da kann ich mir 5x effect von kaufen was wenigstens normal schmeckt.
das so wahr
none, i drink beer
estonians are just nerds ;) and you shit at trolling
sometimes Red Bull + wodka when I'm already drunk :((

shit fucks you up..
image: monster_energy

All the way.
that one tastes like an ass.
This stuff is the biz though, expensive. Got it at the i Series.

image: jolt_homepage
no, none.
of fuck. that's just fucking gay. energy drinks with ninjas? &#(&!!(&(!&)!=(/&
effect disappears if overused. at least for me. used to drink a lot, didnt do anything for me in the end. now i drank one after 2 months and i feel pumped :o
Expensive, unhealthy shit. There are so many better alternatives.
like what except coffee and good sleep
drugs ! not cheap but still.
chocolate milk & some buds
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