ESL = Full of Win

Enemy Territory 5on5 League Spring 2010 Play Offs Division 1

SP Delivery
TC Base
The Station ?? :DDDD
free choice *

image: Keanu-Reeves-keanu-reeves-171859_653_700
what map is that?

what the fuck?
flopjeh is gay and cant read
did u actually play it?&
lol new map? :o
around 1,5 year old map, its for 2v2 format, u can imagine how small it is
Luckily I play EMS.
are you sure you got the right maplist?:|

looks like.

It would seem that we did not get the right maplist, blame is on flopje apparently :D
this map is actually pretty cool in 1vs1 or 2vs2.

but 5on5? wtf.


@ 5on5 :

Yeah, but somehow it's linked to our match on ESL:

When you check rules, it shows this maplist :D
fine, none noticed till now awesome. it could have been reported some weeks ago but...thanks thought ill fix it right now.

e: fixed
we almost played Station as decider :|
I just noticed when we had to play decider tongiht. Good that it's fixed :>
Luckily I don't play ESL.
Luckily i play nothing :(
Luckily me, KAMZ and Sample play EMS.
another nice ESL admin, the only word you guys know is 'retarded' or what? :P

Top ESL Admin list
#1 M1st3r
#2 FoaMea

only GermanyeiM was the only decent admin, now i undertand why he quit/when inactive.

m1st3r mate mad at reflex teammate
while all CB admins are cool guys who try to do their best.
he made delivery so no, not really
this is the last time delivery will be used (at CB), all cups and ladders in the future will never have delivery.
Smart decision taken by Killerboy, bestest ET leader.
It's the right decision. ;)
Players will always prefer playing other maps than others. So no, it's not the right decision. You just say that because you don't like the map. Others might like it, so removing it because X players doesn't like it, it's not a reason at all.

So what would the replacement be?
karsiah, braundorf, frostbite are much better than delivery, coming to think of it, anything that doesn't involve "choke points" in the map and "corridors only" and "inside only" is much better
So what happens when players will get bored of it(like in 6 months)? New map! Question: which one?
if the map gets accepted by the players people won't want it out of the mappool. goldrush, supply and radar have been in the mappool for 5 years and they are still there :)
Just throwing it out there, why is there a maximum on the mappool? (still kick delivery out tho)
there isn't a maximum, for summercup there will be 8 maps so we can have 4 new maps to test, it's just in EC that it's 6 maps so clans dont need to train 8 maps (too much for ec teams)
Oke yea, i read down a bit in which you explained more already about map etc. Actually just to say so, i like the idea of test-maps, dont want to keep bothering you with the same shit over and over again,

so keep it going
99% of the player do NOT like delivery since it's lotto only - or how could you explain zZz winning over Fintastic5 while they're getting dominated on other maps?

It's a good decision that it got removed, yet to see what will replace it. Probably karsiah, oasis, sos_secret_weapon(never played but ppl say it's decent), braundorf, frostbite or a new map even if there will be no replacement, delivery is out and that's all that counts. We will see :)
we will test ~4 new maps(as in old maps, but weren't in mappool) in SummerCup to help with this, cup will be announced tomorrow
Karsiah and/or oasis - please!!!!!!!!!
karsiah is in, just spent an hour with Germanyperlong to fix the map, the fix will include:

allies cannot take the (north?) objective until the south objective is secured.

that way teams will have to defend one objective at a time, and not give away the (north) objective instantly and defend the south only, hopefully this should be the 6th map in teh future.
Well, I don't like the change tbh. All 5 players will be at the south one and it's kinda too easy to defend it tbh. Would've liked to see some pathes blocked ( for allies ) and it would've been fine.
it's the first time it will be tested on 5on5, so we'll see if they defenses will be strong enough (i think in 5on5 its more difficult to defend than in 6on6, so it might be a bit easier for allies to attack if they get a guy on full)

time will tell ;p
do a showmatch?
you must be joking me.
karsiah was much harder for allies than for axis and you made it even harder to attack
5on5 is completely different to 6on6
I know I know, but still.. its like if you forced on radar that east has to be taken first ^^
but in karsiah, east and west have a building in between, so you cannot shoot from west to east and east to west, so that is kind of gay :(
yeah,imo whole map is gay.. well,lets see how it will perfom, tho there are many maps I would like to see more on maplist than this one..
somekind little remade oasis (yeah, the spawn is fucking far away) but otherwise its really cool map.
nachteinbruch could be interesting ofc.
also missile. why the fuck isnt missile played, it was awesome map.
moreover,there are many nice maps,they just need to be revealed x)
but why trying these old ones that already failed again and again?
well with the change to 5on5, i feel some maps weren't given a chance yet and they might work :(

i wish somebody fixed oasis aswell
i showed nachteinbruch to some ec players and they said the objective was fucked up (a bit of a pub map)
missile's last stage will be a problem in my opinion in 5on5, the last stage is very big and it was a crossfire fest for axis.
yeah,some maps werent given chance but.. some maps werent givent chance neither before :D yeah,why not,lets try karsiah, but also as many other as possible (now reactor popped up in my head).
missile was really nice map, but with that change for worse rifle and better fops it would really be worse (maybe roof would safe it - no arties, no so much spam, easier to attack?) and crossfire.. isnt that what we are searching for? all these "narrow corridor" maps are overplayed
Could have happened the same on frostbite. How would you clasify that?
When you are stubborn and don't accept the loss of a stage and get full, that's not lottoness, my friend, that's called bad brainz or whatever.
It wouldn't have happened on frostbite, you can basically lose the whole map after the flagstage if your team gets an unlucky fullspawn. would be awesome to lose supply after you've lost cp unluckily same on radar..
In delivery, you cannot defend the first stage, it's the most useless stage in ET
In frostbite, you cannot defend the objective for more than 2 minutes, it's a real lotto map aswell
You can defend the obj way more than the button room on delivery..
maybe more stupid comment than FoaMeA's supply one, congratz
QuoteThis goes for 3o3 and 5o5
+ all polaks and low skilled ppl will vote for delivery because it is the only map where they can get 3hs
Just saying he's talking bullshit, like foamea said, there are still ppl who want to play it (I dont want it in 5v5, but do want it in 3v3) and thats why foamea doesnt want it removed.

That vote gave a wrong idea though, but I get foamea's point, although I think delivery should be removed
It wont be removed in 3v3/2v2
I'm talking about 5on5 not 3on3. You fail.
Every team I've pracced against in the past does not want to play delivery and same goes for my team, so yeah, 99% should fit. :)
ok now youre officially better than ESL, by far..
sup with all the hate against delivery?

nerds need to learn how to play that map instead of whining.

deli > all those shit kanker maps.
stop those flames already "you say ESL is shit" and M1st3r says "CB is shit" its your opinion and okay but everytime i see a journal with CB or ESL included some1 of you is flaming is it really necessary?
i never used the words "esl is shit" to be honest, i always put reasons to why i think cb is better
Luckily I don't give a shit L O L Z
Luckily i play nothing :(
Why u mad, bro?
Be happy, no more delivery in CB.
Luckily I play EMS.
Luckily I played EMS.
Luckily i play GMS
Luckily I don't give a shit L O L Z
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