ESL vs. CB

fight of the century. what do you think, which one is better and why?

ET related only


- shit site
- mostly bad admins
- shit ban policy (sMOKENINJA got 3 months ban for posting hitler picture) and you have to make a fucking letter to get unban? seriously what the fuck
- you gotta wait like one year to get prize money and ask them every month about it
- decent coverage


- decent site
- good admins
- ban policy is fine, match cheating should be 2 years though.
- doesnt offer much prize money
- great coverage

this is just my opinion. leave flame here if you disagree
member for: 4 days

Lemme guess: ESL is better because of its non-banning policy right 7_7
While CB aka Killerboy bans players based on ... hm ... his mood, we actually ban on solid proofs(demos, pbbans/gv violations). Blame us for taking every player as not guilty till proven wrong.
rofl quite the contrary, you have the power to ban anyone you want (CONFIRMED BY MISTER, HE ADMITTED TO ME ABOUT BANNING INNOCENT PLAYERS MAINLY POLAKS FOR FUN) while in CB every ban has to be reviewed by an assistant/chief and if there is no IP match or guid they cannot get banned.
That's pretty much bs, and you know it. :)
Ah, and I can't believe you even start lying just to protect CB. ^^
I swear i am not lying, check the logs of mister and you'll see. (don't tell me ESL doesn't log stuff)
As you say for CB, same goes for ESL. Every ban is verified by a crew. So basicaly, you can't ban someone if you don't have solid proofs. I think someone trolled you hard!!! :DDDDD ^^
mister trolled cb admin hard? :|

How come you ban people 1 minute after its posted on CF if it has to be verified by other crew, wonder used to ban them after a minute aswell.
If there's enough proof, why not ban directly?
But afterwards, a crew verifies the bans, and they get lifted if they don't have enough proofz.

So now you know why wonder is not an ESL admin anymore. Good one, sherlock.
ye like webes ban. Stupid fatso
how about the ban u made for webe few months back where only proof u provided was that he was playing on cybergames (oh noes) :DDDD for the lulz bans are fucking great!
solid proofs as webe? You banned him for the lulz or u wanted to be troll like u said. Only proof u provided was that he was playing on cybergames :D:D:D:D:D:D: solid proofs mate
and who gives a fuck about ur pb bans if we play @ non pb servers most of the important matches ? :D its retarded to ban only if theres stupid retard_proofs like pb_screen_wh ( yeah lemme see aimbot from pb screen mr.) now we are doing just fine with cb when u rly use ur brains with cheat cases unlike old "yeah i cant see any aimbot at that pic" crap -.-
what zzaps said
actualy he got wrong

"ESL is better because of its non-banning policy right 7_7 "

Did Nuggan got banned ? Dont think so,so your point is invalid
nuggan is banned from next NationsCup
wow nice makeing exceptions for your buttbudys

it was suposed to be a cb ban = bad admins = ESL > CB
why nuggan is banned from next NC? :0o0o0o0
because he merced for estonia in this NC.
inb4 fagoamea or w/e
Normally ESL > CB but after this:
Quote by Killerboythis is the last time delivery will be used (at CB), all cups and ladders in the future will never have delivery.

CB > ESL by faaaaaaaaaaaaaaar
delivery getting replace by a map which is prolly 10 times worse = win
why, delivery just fucked up the cointoss
CB > esl by far lol , esl site is so shit, must change pw every 6mounths .. and full of adds
ESL site is pretty decent compared to CB's loading speed it's by far better and the password change is just for your security.
agree on loading speed but for security , like someone is gonna hack a cb acc :$
no but esl ;)
ESL site is much more professional, CB has one housestyle and because ESL is such a big brand, it has to have lots of information displayed.

Quote- good admins

image: 17545_1192066166232_1365747864_3048

image: kubo-trolling
proved my point.
trollin' has nothing to do with adminning tbh
he is trolling or what? he actually thinks CB got better admins or what your point was?
he's trollin but that doesn't affect his skills to admin ..
So what good points do we have?
Cuz I see just bad points. So let me ask you something...why are you still playing EMS if you are enjoying so much to play on CB?
prize money is kinda good but it takes too long to get
tbh ESL has more active admins than CB. CB had Homer left, now he said hes coming back and Nightraver come back from inactivity, which let Killerboy getting loads of pms etc on irc. Everytime I highlight an ESL admin, they are there within like 20 seconds.
i was online 24/7 on IRC the last 3 months :/ Homer wasn't that active, like 2 hours a day, goldorak and mundus where online for ~5 hours a day and NightRaver is almost like me.
yeah thats what Im saying CB pretty much relies on you since your active. Goldorak is a good admin too but you were receiving lots of PMs and had to do premier teams etc by yourself mostly, that even Kipzz helped you do the premier page this spring post on cf. ESL have more admins so they respond quicker, but your a good admin dont take this the wrong way :)
If you got anyi issue, just pm instead of a highlight O_o
i never trollet in my life :S
should be added to the list:
-CB has best trolls. :D
I was gonna make an article about ESL vs CB, advantages disadvantages and shit then say how this conflict is actually helping ET etc for competitiveness.
Have had no time, gf + work + world cup :)
esl has good admins, only head admins are real fuckers

cb mostly bad admins

nutshell = both could improve like light years but they prefer fighting each others here

Make a poll (that's a request) - expecting a nice bitch fight.
well ESL is rly worse for ET but it's better for other games like CS 1.6 or CS:S and so on
esl brackets > cb brackets
tho CB pissed me recently pretty much cuz of its shit rules and not so cool admins,its still better page than ESL

one more bad thing about CB (only this season though), they allowed too many changes in EC line-ups

I know its to prevent forfeits, but this season it went a bit too far

let there be flame by CB admins

- cool site
- cool admins
- medium ban policy
- decent coverage


- sux site
- good ONE admin
- pro ban policy
- great coverage
- etbeach in 2o2 ;ooooo sux
Like you would win any offis even without beach :D ! tho i agree its shit
esl admins > cb admins
an well, all in all i always prefered esl cups.
"sMOKENINJA got 3 months ban for posting hitler picture"

by far. Also ESL will ban people for nothing. I got banned for 2 year couple of years ago because i was on fusenlist. But that was a mistake and i got removed from the list. But i didnt get unbanned there.
maybe when esl and cb would work hand in hand it would be much better not that both do something extra...
every cb competition is rated higher than the ones from esl. The effort killerboy does for ET makes cb better.

edit: only thing I like/play at esl is the EMS.
the immatureness and stupidity of the esl admins doesnt stop to amaze me.
CB have actually sent prizes to people I know personally.

ESL still haven't actually sent us any prizemoney.

tbh ESL is okay when you get used to it while CB looks like XX century random schoolboy homepage
don't get me wrong, i don't rly cheer for ESL, but website is not bad, it's just different from CB, but not worse. Dont rly get the hype about flaming it

in et community ESL having all their resources has all the potential to be more popular than CB , but contribution from cb admins is bigger than from guys like foamea who only cheer for ESL and do nothing else.
CB decent site??slow as a turtle!!

still CB > ESL tho
ESL admins are way better of CB ones
Bulld0g @ CB = thumbs up / Killerboy @ CB = thumbs down + what FoaMeA said, so ESL it is. bulld0g banned you not me -,-

check how many ppl i banned on CB in almost 2 years:

(bulld0g+lunachick+bartichello did ~400 of them) I doubt esl has 400 ppl banned from ET
I'm not saying you banned me and you're actually a fucking sherlock in banning people etc, but when you ban/unban people it's your mood doing the job instead of your brains. I allready send a ticket to CB a month or 2 ago and still no response (not that I'm in a hurry or something ^^). No offence, really.
what is your ticket number and i will handle it for you and to your question about me un/banning on the mood:
Quotein CB every ban has to be reviewed by an assistant/chief and if there is no IP match or guid they cannot get banned.
Guid is changed in the 3 years, but I think my IP is still the same will pm you here on cf, sec.
cb > esl
active admins
ban policy suxx ( by demos )
website improving
only 1on1 ladder looks like active

1 admin only or wat? if he reply on irc, ye :-D (hehe killerboy :d)
np for ban policy
website is ok
3v3, 5v5 ladder are active

when can we get a mix ? Electronic Sport Base :-D
1o1 rly active ? Don't think so
"looks like"
there is more 1on1 match then @ cb
and there is the auto challenge that i put off :p
Clan League!
- shit ban policy (sMOKENINJA got 3 months ban for posting hitler picture) and you have to make a fucking letter to get unban? seriously what the fuck

cb = facking shit slow site
maybe it's your internet, site is fast with an adblocker here.
usernam3 on 14/06/10, 21:56:03


carlito on 14/06/10, 21:56:53

ESL site is pretty decent compared to CB's loading speed it's by far better and the password change is just for your security.

spltH{ on 14/06/10, 21:58:13

agree on loading speed (...)

l4z on 14/06/10, 22:09:26

(...)cb - sux site

h8m3 on 14/06/10, 22:33:21

(...)CB looks like XX century random schoolboy homepage

magico on 14/06/10, 22:36:48

CB decent site??slow as a turtle!!
i never get adverts or slow speed (except at peak hours) ;s
\except at peak hours\ ? maybe it's your internet :D
ladnie :>
i think he is used to it.
but yes the site is slow comparing to other websites.
whats ESL?
ESL has one "big" problem, their website which on the other hand is quite logic as ET is just a small part of it and they can't setup the website just for one old game...

Cb is more user friendly in that sense but ads are a bit irritating.
For admins, ESL admins always helped when needed and were quite friendly. You only need to see the 20000 discussions at crossfire between Killerboy and Foamea to understand the attitude of both which although killerboy may be right many times his manners just make him loose all.

Trying to speak with Killerboy when you need an admin a waste of time as he won't answer, however Goldorak always helped us the 2 times we needed an admin in like 30 matches at CB, this meaning you can't judge ESL or CB based on individuals.

Don't know about CB head admin but if he had a brain he will leave Killerboy and similar angry admin kids just for internal organisation and "busting cheaters" and never to speak or write here in name of CB, his flame to ESL is becomming fucking annoying.
i prefer cb cause its more active and site is more familiar to me.....
I dont know why people keep flaming the ESL website, for me , it has never been bad and i never had any problems finding something i was looking for..
Both have pro's and cons, I don't have much problems with the ESL site anymore and when I do admins are usually quick to help to get things fixed. The prize money thing used to take a bit long but I think it's going quicker these days and it's still better than nothing.
CB website is a complete joke, i never go there to read news (THERE IS A NEWS SECTION THERE!!), i read it on crossfire! Same goes with ESL i guess.
Might add that both have admins with flaws, for example KB one day is doing a great job and trying to help people out, next day he's fucking around and playing 2on2's with people he believed to be obvious cheaters earlier, trolling like he would die if not doing it.
Goldorak hardly understand english, FoAmeA thinks everyone is a cheater, m1st3r & KB have flame wars on cf/gtv 24/7, all in all I think it'd be better if they'd just stop the bitching and try to put up a good competition and for most cases stick to the actual rules, I think it's ridiculous what happened with anim & the mercing case and then this season seeing a guy like nordan get away with it without _any_ punishment. Stop focusing on eachother and spend your time having fun or trying to improve your tournaments (if that's not included in your having fun)
ESL Cup Supervisors suck.

A simple case.

Team A waits 45 minutes until after matchtime because they want to be nice to the enemy. Then they remark that one of Team B has a wrong GUID. Team B replaces him. The match starts. DURING round two, a spec from Team B claims that a player from Team A has no guid filed into ESL which is a thing no one of team A knew of. Team A offers replacing the player and replaying; Team B says it's okay and they don't need to.

The next day, Krein files a default win for Team B.
We are still teaching the new admins, you should have contacted a higher admin in this case.
good call of esl

go read the et rules gimp
QuoteTeam A waits 45 minutes until after matchtime because they want to be nice to the enemy.

Quotego read the et rules gimp

After 20 minutes it's a noshow win, go read the esl rules.
It's bullshit if you're friendly to the others because friendliness is not good in the world of ET
sorry i didnt said i was talking about the hitler stuf

Esl page is clean
CB is advert page looks like school page.
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