
i just wanne wish Good luck to all the people that has exams, i'm starting the 17 th Good luck CF :O

image: funny-answers-from-exams31

image: exams
Quotei just wane with Good luck to all the peopl that has exams

Getting my results next thursday
i'm starting in 2 days :'(
Better start studying Engrish before its too late ;)
Have that as my first and 2 lazy to watch my sentences
So you are not having your final exams, are you..
na still have to study 4 more years,
thanks for wishing me gl, gl2u2
getting my results on thursday aswell
will write my 4 tests in 5 weeks! started learning like today xD but only read 7 pages, then i fall asleep xD

and ye I'm studying law, so it isn't a surprise i fall asleep xD
im halfway through alrdy :)

tomorrow: History!

ending 22nd:)
same here :}D
le gl to you aswell m8
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