PnkBstrB.exe heartbeats stopped failure, again..

I started recently playing some public ET again. All went fine in the start and so, but like 1 week after this problem showed up:

"Server disconnected - Punkbuster kicked player "retsev" (for 0 minutes) ..
Restriction: Service Communication Failure: PnkBstrB.exe heartbeats stopped"

I've been trying to fix it, but nothing seems to work. I never before had a problem with this hearbeat thing, so it kinda surprices' me.

I tried already to reinstall ET totally, and updating punkbuster over and over again.

When I look at my taskmanager while playing ET, I can see PnkBstrB.exe starts and runs for like 1 min. or smt. Then it gets removed from the Taskmanager and is totally gone, and then I ofc. get kicked by the server.

I tried also to run service.msc - Where I set it to auto, and aswell I went changing that if the service didn't work, it would restart. But that didn't help either.

So I'm looking for anykind of advice, anything! I will send a pack of cookies to the guy/girl that can help me solve this problem !

Thanks :'(
firewall !
there was a journal about.. no time for search. gl!
I think u have to update pb,
go to startup>>run>>services.msc>>search program punkbstrB>> set to start automatically
run pbsetup.exe as adminstator before updating pb with it.
had same problem, was something with my firewall blocking pnkbstB it or sth cant remember it good
Disable all programs that mess with processes like tune up utilities.
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