Man with wooden body

Dede Koswara, better known as “tree man,” in his home village of Bandung, Java, Indonesia, where he is continuing treatment for his rare condition. Koswara spent much of his life covered in tree-like warts until he underwent surgery in 2008 to have over 4-pounds of them removed from his body.

He had surgery, but tree on Dede body continue to grow in six months.

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kill it with fire
Very new.
such things never get old!
No, this isn't old.
isn't old at all!
The utmost respect for this man!
thats what you get when ur mom is a treehugger
mais fake sff
how does he grab/pick up things what those things -_-
Excellent choice for an emoticon you have there, sir. -.-
Misleading topic.
guy who has spent most of his life living in caves.
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