Interesting article

I couldn't resist but post it.
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That's only a little of our contribution to the world's economy and technology ;) There are far more weapons, such as Rafael ;)
inb4 tl;dr
brainwashed (by the israelian government) jew posting shit in blogs,
what's strange there?
It's about Israel and its posted by a brainwashed Jew, won't read. :(
The article is aimed to people who are bothered to read and can realize the differences between a brainwashed person and a person full of hatred and no knowledge. A person who doesn't have any of the above, I don't give a shit about. Inb4 "the irony".
You are such a tool
Isreal should die.
Plus jews are good persons and have nice women.
drugs are bad mkay ?
I actually like the jews I know and the women are superdupersuperwuperluper.
apparently drugs are good for the ones you know then. Every jew I ever met was the complete opposite of what you just stated :/

ninja-edit :p
Seriously :D? Just ask pala to post some Israeli women..
Gal Gadot
Mila Kunis
Scarlett Johhnson
Alona Tal
Adi Himelbloy
Bar Refaeli <3
Moran Atias
Rotem Sela
Esti Ginzborg
Do not want :S
these are hot ( not gonna deny that lol) but they ain't that very religious either are they ?
What I mean when talking about jews , I mean the whole 9 yards jews. Women with wigs etc...
those are the very minority group in israel(the hardcore jews with black hats and beards you see), we have a lot of nation groups (don't know the word) such as dossim, arabs, hilonim and none religious ones
the most common and biggest group is the hilonim, where we only celebrate holidays and a few jewish traditions, but we are european in any way (just like usa celebrates christmas)
Exactly , those ppl are civilized ! I was working in a store once at the checkout and my next customer was a jewish family ( with the beards and silly curly things n all) out of nowhere they started talking hebrew ! xD

I litteraly said this : Do I look like I speak hebrew ? I can speak 4 different languages ( 3 of which are our official national languages) and yet you fail to express yourself in one of these 4.

My boss approved what I said xD
:P well i hate them, they are too extremists, and they are also acting disgustingly towards our country
most of the "jews" are normal people you wouldn't notice in the street, except if you talk with them, we have a fucked up english accent :D
Yes if the bible said so I too feel you should keep claiming them lands!
QuoteMiddle Eastern oil
made me laugh actually
we going to die :(
You drive palestinians out of their homes and then put them all together, all the palestinian fanatics of different religions, and then you raise your hands saying its not your fault when they kill each other. And then you talk about peace processes. nothx
doenst chance the fac that israel kills the innocent with flying drones, cause the might be terrorisst. And then blame the people who died for beeing close to the "terrorists". But ofcourse the world is wrong and you are the messias.

And try to read some critical articals without thinking on forehand that they are written by indotrinated journalists, because there not.

Btw the first sentence is already fucking bullshit.
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