Referee Undiano Mallenco

image: undiano-mallenco

Does he destroy a football match with his stupid yellow cards and false decisions?

definitely yes!
if germany it would be 1-0 for germany i bet this journal never came to be!
you speak englishs like german people
Country: DE

good ref no complaints

learn 2 play, even with this shit ball germany made you can't win
stop fucking whining, there's nothing wrong with this referee.
That hand as lastman was 100% red card worthy..
I think they gave the ref money to not give him a red card.

Oh and I also think they gave podolski money to miss the penalty that the same ref gave to germany.
exactly, now take it like a man instead of whining on a ref.
"that the same ref gave to germany."

Not like it was possible not to give it. Oo
Klose didn't deserve the 2nd yellow. Other than that and giving a foul for Kolarov's dive, the ref called everything right.
attack from behind. yellow card.
do you like getting hit in your achilles?
With all my love and all my respect to you, don't exaggerate ur 'anti-cyclical do-gooder-style'.

It's by far too simple to blame the ref but a comment like 'there's nothing wrong with this referee' is hilarious.
Germany mens0.. unexpected.
Usually not ur level...
Gimme a break, it's always been the ref whenever Germany lost a game.
Where did I say so?

In the same way some Germans are blaming only the ref you are acting as he wouldn't have any influence and u are even saying his performance was fine, what's utter bullshit.

Same shit, different style.
finally! now where's razzah when i need him :(
Finally? :P

Edit: Ah, finally you see "us" crying. He laughs best who laughs last. :P
haha nice catch :D
I guess at work cause there is no reason for turks to watch this worldcup!
tbh i was at work :D

but im working @ a sportsbar and watched the match there and prepered there mentally for the spam of pala
Habs ja gesagt :D-
You are definately one of the dumbest persons i have ever seen here. Not only shown by that comment but also shown by 90% of the comments you ever made.
I'll let this one slide given the fact your national team just lost and you must be fucking frustrated as hell.
As stated above my personal oppinion about you was already existing before the match and your comment.

Serbia was a deserved winner but thats not changing the fact, that the ref was horrible. Its the fault of the german team, that they werent able to adjust to this while the serbian were.
Like I replied earlier -> "Gimme a break, it's always been the ref whenever Germany lost a game."

oh and as for your personal opinion of me, I really could not give less of a fuck about what someone I don't even know and doesn't know me, thinks about me.
Never stated that it was the ref. If you would actually read my reply youd notice i said its fault of the german team.

Ohh and i knew you wouldnt care.
I did read your reply, and saying "Serbia managed to adapt to the horrible referee and Germany didn't" is pretty much the same as blaming the referee.
Maybe for you it is.....
stop the whine :D serbia ftw
Germany usually suck against Yugoslavia Teams. That's the fact!

EM 2008 : Germany 1 : 2 Croatia

WM 2010 : Germany 0 : 1 Serbia
this is by far one of the best referees ive seen on this WC

believe me, the one who whistled ur previous match vs australia was way worse..

if you want someone to blame, blame klose..
haha mooi man :D

the one who whistled :D
haha, kon ff op niets anders komen;)
hahahaha yeah blame the referee

you must be a German


sour loser

If there's any one to blame, blame Klose for being a retard.
Deserved win. Congrats, Serbia. :)
no it was the ref man!!!
Ach komm du kannst mir nicht erzählen das du dich 0 aufgeregt hast. was der da zusammen gepfiffen hat war einfach nur lächerlich ..
Trotzdem war Serbien besser. Unsere Abwehr ist viel schlechter als Serbiens.
So'n Gutmenschenstil ist aber auch das Letzte was cool ist. :P
klose deserved 2 yellows + you had a penalty you should of scored. serbia were just the better team! :DDDD
No other ref would have sent Klose off for that. Not yellow card worthy second foul.
maybe that ref who redcarded beckham or that ref who redcarded rafael would do it! :D
prolly was the same :O
the first fail he done he didnt get a yellow card for which should of been, so it balances out!
1. Taking hand in a critical situation (Look at the scene again. Who's waiting to turn that ball into a goal? Some guy in a white shirt?) is nothing else than sliding into someone's back who is alone in front of the goal and therefore HAS to be a red.

2. Retarded decision to let Podolski try the penalty who was already ego'd and raged up because of the 2 ultra close chances he missed. Why not Schweinsteiger as always?

3. The guy pulling Neuer's shirt to provoke him. Why in the holy mother of fuck does NOTHING happen?

And then there were countless fouls by the serbians way worse than the two Klose did and no cards were pulled. But it's always stupid to blame that. It would have turned differently if Serbia had a red first because their motivation got ultimatively boosted by Klose leaving the field. Deserved win imo for the Serbians and a very talented ref who sees a lot but unfortunately he needs to compensate for the lack of what he's got between his legs. :)

(Btw at all my fellow yermans...

EM 2008: Germanyschland 1:2 Croatia Croatia

and we still got to the finals. Nothing to worry about, our boys will be super motivated against Ghana, especially because Kevin-Prince Boateng plays there, the guy who crippled Ballack.)
hehe, nice reading :)
this year final will be Serbia vs Switzerland
Deserved win. Germany wasnt able to get the game going and especially the left defender was not able to stop the few serbian attacks.
The ref was a joke but the serbians were able to accept that and adjust their game.
Sorry Felix aber ein absichtliches Handspiel zum Verhindern einer Torchance, die an sich nicht einmal richtig gefährlich ist, nenne ich nicht Anpassung an einen strengen Schiedsrichter :) Serbien war viel motivierter und daran lag's imo
Einer von 11. Die Häflte der serbischen Abwehr was 45 Minuten oder länger mit gelb belastet und sie haben es trotzdem geschafft mit 11 vom Platz zu gehen.
Sind trotzdem immer noch reingegangen wie Sau :D
Der Rechtsverteidiger von denen hat Poldi 20 Minuten nich angefasst. Die Deutschen haben es bloß nich ausnutzen können.
Poldi war auch imo enraged, vor allem nach dem Elfmeter hat der fast nix gebracht. Warum Özil raus musste kapier ich nicht wirklich, weil er einer der letzten war, die das Spiel nach vorne gezogen haben. Das ganze Rumgeeiere vor'm Strafraum hab ich nicht kapiert. :) IMO Poldi raus...
Hätte Badstuber schon in der Halbzeit rausnehmen müssen und dafür Jansen rein. Dann hätte Poldi Stürmer machen können oder gegen einen Stürmer ausgetauscht werden können.
Country: DE
well not a deserved win for Serbia serbia, but a deserved loss for Germany germany, cause they were unable to score a goal.

little bit to much of those yellow cards from the ref maybe i some cases, but nothing wrong with the yellow card + penalty vs Vidic... there was no chance of scoring a goal prevented for Germany germany, just hand within the penalty zone... so yellow card + penalty is al right...

stop being a retard blaming the ref... blame Podolski for being unable to score and Badstuber + Friedrich for fucking up the defense ... especially Friedrich was a bad joke @ the 0-1 ... fucking hillarious where he was at, can't understand why everyone on TV blamed Badstuber... was 95% Friedrichs fault imo...
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