For Mother Serbia!

image: Serbia

stop whining, deserved win, krasic <3

image: krasic1
Seriously, I wanted to bet 2-1 to Serbia but was too late to change it =(

Would have given me at least some points =(
blablabla points blablabla
I failed blablabla big loser blabla
russian school <3
Serbia won cuz they have ppl from Dortmund in they team
krasic fucking p00ned, best player of the match... except Klose ofc
deserved, but ref was just a big joke
but good performance for 10 guys, poldi was totally fail, why schweini doesn`t shot it...
Country: DE

blabla ref blabla..
krasic was rly good :<
germany lost because they were to stupid / unlucky to score a goal..

match could have been 5:3 for germany but also 0:3
serbia was the luckier team today and the referee was bit shittttttty ...but could have been also an advantage for germany ;) - but wasnt
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