as i said already

brazil will win world cup :x

have a great weekend. SPORT FREI! discuss :)
no they wont
argentina look the best at the moment.
not rly with that defence..
nobody in the world cup has a really good defence, argentina make up for it with their attackers
Hopefully Argentina or Spain. Best teams.
oh shut the fuck up and start whining already ;) i know you want to, the ref was bad! very very bad!!
best ref ive ever seen
idd spain is a great team... they won against Switzerland and stuff.. ow wait!
What does a bad match have anything to do with how good a team is? Spain was a lot better than Switzerland. Spain had lost like 2 matches the last 4 years..? Football has quite a lot of luck involved.
the thing is Spain is well known for they beautiful gamestyle, but lack of effects... last EC was different but imo it was matter of luck back then :]
I know they weren't successful in the past. That's why I wish they perform well. Most deserved imo. ^^
could say same about argentina :]

sadly i find Italy in the first place for the crown of world champions... antifootball will win :<
Agreed. Same with all the people complaining about Germany now.

Tho Spains case was even more extreme. They were really dominating that game.
they played it out very stupid.. they were doing well in the first half and had a few good through passes which couldve led to a goal, but after that all they did was go to the right and swing the ball in the box which is not the type of gameplay they should use with their lack of good headers... tbh they just sucked and lacked inspiration
and france was vize last time and now they are playing like fucking loosers imo
Not comparable. WC was 4 years ago and a lot of old stars had their last appearance. Spain has still same lineup and still plays well.

QuoteBest Team

QuoteSpanien 0 : 1 Schweiz
hallo saskiääääääää <3 im back :D

holland for wc imo
Frauen und Fußball ....
versteh die frage nicht :DDDDDDDDDDDDD
welche frage :D?
im a fan of brazil,spain...because they play good football.argentina also is nice
argentina vs spain will be final
I think Argentina are looking very strong. My dark horse team is Uruguay - I think they actually have a shot...
du geile behr :$
Ja! Maar hij moet nog wel stage lopen ofzo
Schatje toch :( Maar hoe komt het dan dat je examens zo slecht hebt gemaakt man :<
perfect yerman eh :)
Aww jammer man :((
lol no schnee.

Argentina will win this
i also go for argentina
my favourite 4in this WC are


any of these 4 can win the WC i think :S
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