first map you played

ok i had nothing to do so i started thinking back and asked myself. what is the first map i played in ET? so i came to a conclusion it was oasis on jaymod :D

so whats yours? and what mod
I do believe it was Battery on a localhost server with a few friends from Uni.
Let's think back 7 years and try to remember something as futile as that...
fueldump demo was kewl xD
Fueldump demo
fueldump (}=
beach on a server called compkal or sth like that (rtcw), fueldump (et)
fueldump, etmain
stopped playing for a while when every server had jaymod -__-
Caen back on the NWO *XP* SAVE jaymod server :D

double jump was awesome
goldrush on a 2.55 pub called TE666 or something...forgot the name ( was one of the only et pro servers on 2.55 )
fueldump demo
oasis with 40 ppl on it
Rtcw: Beach
ET: Battery [etmain]
goldrush / etmain
Fueldump on a jamod server with doublejump. got kicked after 4 minutes.. reason: cheaters aren't welcome
goldrush at 2.55 public at friends home :D looooong time ago
goldrush, public, default config.

some quakeworld player tried to tell me et was a good game but i told him it was "really shitty and slow paced like rtcw" and then didn't play after that for atleast 3 months
That's what you get for being YOU!
oasis and i was playing rifle :D
Hmm, Railgun I guess, at Finland Timpuris home.
venice or tc_base
thats like 20 years ago or smth LoL
jaymod caen
I believe it was Oasis, was playing at my friends home
fueldump demo.
fueldump demo
goldrush on etmain, since there were no mods
fueldump only @ miramo (etmain)
Can't remember. The only thing I remember after 1-2 days of playing ET I showed my mate this awesome game, and we played on goldrush. We were in axis team and I was running in front of the bank door which wasn't destroyed yet. We tried to destroy it with grenades and shooting :))
Oasis in etmain... mortaring somewhere and did my first kill: teamkill (yaaaaay, don't know anything, but getting a random kill).

And I thought high ping servers would be better... (what a fail ;D)
Think it was battery, it's the first map i remember running confused around and dying on.
fueldump @ crazyy88 server
no idea..
the first i remember was a very dark one with some undergroundways..dno name
etpub or jaymod
My friend told me to always play Covert ops with fg42. First map was Oasis on ETMain :P

First time I played at home, feb 2004, I played battery I guess. I think I was playing against Joop \o/
Railgun on ETmain.. Was talking to this other guy about how the fuck he was able to find his way around the map cause it was so big :D

and I have to lol at all the people who started @ "jaymod" none of you play shurbmod you are all too new school for that y0 :D
I remember playing grush in Broken clan server back in the ?2003?. It could've been any other custom map also, because I remember playing them all with my friends. Everyone played one map and tried to beat others XP record. Fun times :).

And ET felt pretty slow paced, because I played UT and quake 3 arena before. :)
braundorf etpro
etpro goldrush.
fueldump on K9 ETPub
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