Bodybuilding for pros ! #3

After 1 year and 9 months of hard MASS traning it's time to do a huge cut!!

here's some little package for the next 1/2 months

image: dsc00031v

actually weight -> 100 kg
prefer weight -> 85 kg !

image: arnold_chest
that's just wrong -_-
once you're right
Whoa crack in a can!
especially that jar of 'Crack' gives me wrong ideas.
oh no u dihent :o
No need for a crack when you play ET...
i wanna crumble and smoke ur pills
you seem abit addicted to piemels
you seem abit addicted to satesaus on your anus
I gonna try soon as well but no satesaus avi germany ;/
lolll thats weird, buy some in nl we can help each other
np I gonna ride with my bike to enschede soon

btw, we don't even have vla in germany .-.
loooooooooooooooooooooolololololo omgomgmogmog
what we dont even have lays bolognese here
i have a bag here right noaw, it feels good
wanna some? you notta gonna getta some!
is that an umberella?
ela ela ela eh eh eh eh what?
oh ..oh.. oh.. ohoh

It's raining
Ooh baby it's raining
Baby come here to me
Come here to me
no its not, the sun comes tru abit, was a very sad day with clouds and such
Took an oath, I'ma stick it out till the end
yeah thats what you are supposed to do
We got Vla at Aldi here. Not sure though if it tastes as good as in NL.
das vla in dosen? also yoguhrt töpfe
Nö, gibts im 1L Tetrapak.

image: wpid-722

Aldi Süd I guess? :p
szkoda ze ci juz nie staje
nerd claiming to be a bodybuilder
lemmie guess, you are doing abcd and you've never heard of squat and deadlift before
100kg = fatty
Half naked man as your background... and I get called gay for having a flower!
9 months of mass training :D If you weren't on roids you just got massivly fat XD

e: gl anyways :>
'After 1 year and 9 months hard MASS traning...'
was working 10 hours, I'm excused imo :O
dude arnold's tits are huge really ffs look on them both of em omg i wanna suck em!
lol why do u need vitargo, just use dextro, and even now at ur diet phase u dont need both of them.

ps: what is that for a "cracK"? Some kind of energy booster?
it kicks ass while traning
ah ok, i found already before ur answer .)
more shit whey pls....

you got carbs and sugar in your brotein , fail. also nice to see you fall for some supplements advertising.
lol @ wallpaper, gtfo X:D
skinny nerd trying to gain weight and muscels XD
real pros don't use this shit
just waste of time !!!
My knees are fine :(
today they ar fine, in some years u gonna get big probs
I'll be doing a lot more damage to my shins before that so nP \o/
here, have a nice watching:

Dorian Yates's Statement: "I didn´t do any squats as a professional bodybuilder, not a single squat, and i won 6 Mr. Olympia"
huge cut wont make your penis bigger
take a pic of your shape now and next after dat diet
pic of yourself or it never happened
Is it true that after a long time of budybuilding, the only way get more muscles is to take proteines like in your pic ?
well that's what I heard, you got a kind of limit
no one will reach their limits
the _bigger_ you are the harder it is for you to grow, some sometimes you will require protein shake as you can't supply the necessary amount from eggs, milk, meat and so on
the same can apply to workout training
proteins are really needed!
and they arent bad protein is somethign natural
everyone will gain enough protein they need with a normal meat, eggs and milk
i only use protein from eggs, milk meat and stuff would never buy this shit
it's not shit, it's just not needed in most gerneral cases
yes i mean if you are a profi like marius pudzianowksi you need that powder but i dont need it for my home workout :)
ppl basicly say your weight in pounds is the the amount of protein in gramm you should take when you are active and lifting , athletes go for x1.4 their weight :3
you are wrong with the milk sir :)
30g protein in 1l, thats almost 1/3 of what normal people need and is easy to drink (not to talk about it's amazing to boost for easy calories)
milk is not a good protein source, coz it has:
1. many carbs (exp. sugar)
2. pretty much bad fatty acids
3. all 3 components ar mixed, and thats not good too--->getting fatter.
That means: separation needed: protein+fat or protein+carbs
thats just wrong
sugar is nothing bad, infact, why don't you check the "godmad" way of getting built up
milk is the perfect way to gain mass for people who can't eat much
the acids are not bad either, 20%whey, 80% kazain if i'm right
even if sugar carbs in small number ar needed, u should try to avoid sugar, coz u often get it from other food.
Bzw, i named points 2 and 3, which ar important too, and they make milk even more ineffective.
"GOMAD: How to Gain 25lbs in 25 Days with Squats & Milk"

LOL. U wanna get muscles or get fatter? Coz if u wanna get fatter, milk is truly a nice food product coz of all points i named, and it works like a weight gainer and is recommendable for skinny guys. But if u wanna get muscles, u better should eat something different as drinking milk by the liter.
the bigger you get, the stronger you get, the more muscles you will build
imlk won't make you fat, it's an great way to add calories, and a nice side way to gain protein
continue to read bullcrap about no fat, sugar food in been great for sports and see how far you will go...

you are gaining a lot of weight from GOMAD since you drink almost 4 gallons of milk, which is almos ttwice the amount of calories you need, since it's fucking easy, not that milk makes you fat...
"imlk won't make you fat, it's an great way to add calories, and a nice side way to gain protein"

the problem is not about to get 3500 calories/day (for example), but to make a right food plan, to take everything in a good proportion in good combination, and milk just doesnt fit there coz of his structure.

"continue to read bullcrap about no fat, sugar food in been great for sports and see how far you will go..."

never said u dont need fat. Otherway: u need it very much, but right fat in right proportion in right combination
best normal protein source still stays fatfree meat and fish
now, fatfree meat is also stupid thing
you know that fat is actually pretty good for trainers? carbohydrate is where troubles comes(conflicts)
there are diets who are based on fats and protein, since carbohydrate is simply shit:

most known is the anabolic diet, used for both mass and fat loss
"you know that fat is actually pretty good for trainers?"

u dont get it. There ar 3 different fat types, and one of them, which is unhealthy, is available in big amounts in normal fat meat and milk. NOrmally u should take the 1/3 each, but with ur food plan drinking milk by the liter and eat normal fat meat u gonna get wrong proportion.

"carbohydrate is where troubles comes(conflicts)"

thats why i said: segregate carbs from fats.

"there are diets who are based on fats and protein, since carbohydrate is simply shit"

they arent shit if u build muscles, but of course they should be taken in some proportion (not too much) too, coz else u gonna get fat.
3 types of fat which i can't spell in english
1 is from baked shizzle
one from meat and shizzle
one from nuts, avocato, olive oil
all the 3 won't cause you any troubles if you are healthy, sportsman, and young~ person
afterall all the fat have the same job, consuming too much of each will deliver lethal problems (and it's not easy as you think if you meet the above)

let's stop the conversation here shall we, i find there is no point, we both like the ways we are living, so we both win
hey, its wrong what u understand about 3 types of fat.
All 3 trypes ar normally existent in all products, which has fat.
Read there:
Im talking about MFA, PFA and SFA

but yeah, lets end this conversation :)
well i was right, they are seperated to 3 groups, first two considered unhealthy and the latest is the opposite ;) anyways have a nice day this conversation made me third lol
you owned him :D
i did it for u, my darling! :D
What owned? Every sentence of him was pure billshit, I wonder where je reads all this shit
squat is bad for you knees hahahahaha
The protein from the milk won't affect on anything since your body won't work it off, because you are not a 2years old kid :)
the body wont use whey and kazain protein? rofl
he maybe means the first cleavage, because in molke and casein u have the first cleavage already over, which is maybe physiological problematical
lol I wanted to reply what a bullshit is this, I was always against milk because every bodybuilder said its not good to drink milk. Well I took it as "ok they are probably right about it" but If i use common sense it shouldnt be that bad. I dont know how heathy to drink 3 L of milk daily but I will try I give it a shot I just started to train at home again. I am pretty skinny so i dont afraid of getting much fat because of it. Ofc I will eat quality proteins from chicken but I guess its just more push for my body to get extra proteins. I am not going to buy protein shakes i dont really have money for that but my parents will buy milk as much as i want anyway. Lets see how it works out :p I tested i can do 45 pushups with my body atm so I will check how much stronger and heavier i become.

I am an ectomorf type so I will eat carbs as much as I can I dont really count usually it depends on my mood. protein will be on min 150g (90g from milk haha).

Btw I checked Tru Blood and I didnt really like it, I think I give it a 6/10 for the first episode. Tell me why I should continue? Is it getting moe interesting?

"One warning though, avoid UHT milk. The high temperature it undergoes destroys much of the nutrients and makes what remains less than bio available. Euperised milk is best. This process can be likened to cold-processing in supplements. A process used to guarantee the best quality with the highest amount of nutrients in supplements. Others are good too, but I estimate you need twice the amount of UHT as you would from other sorts. "

Well we usually buy UHT milk but I have to check what the hell this "euperised" milk, I have no clue. Any idea what I should look for?
milk is a push for people who can't eat so much, and it's just easy to drink, the plus for the milk is that there is nothing wrong with it, and that it's cheap and has nice amount of protein
for true blood, ill only tell you my own experience: i watched 1 episode of dexter, and ideleted the series from my PC
two months later i decided to give it a second a go and watched the entire season
the result:
jeh dexter owns, what I watch and like is breaking bad, really interesting and funny aswell :)

ps: I watch true blood with hungarian dub i shouldnt really!
i'm flowding with series so not watching breaking bad yet
i don't know if u will continue to like true blood, bu you will definitely change ur opinion towards "shit vampire" series, though there are a lot of shit ones (twilight)
after long time of training (many years) normaly only roids help, otherwise u need perfect train, food plans...but still there u will build only very slow.
bullshit :) that's what people who are too lazy to fix themselves a good diet + the right ammount of training say
read my sentense again, maybe u gonna understand what i wrote
Yeh I just didn't like the roids promotion :) totally useless.
i dont promote roids, but its just the true
Variation in training and food (=discipline) > roids.
i dont disagree
protein shakes maybe not, but some aminos ar always very important
once again you are talking rubbish..jesus christ you gain water from carbohydrate
lol jew learn to read , i never said anything about creatine is creating water in your muscles ...
Creatine is retaining water in your muscles so ->when your muscles are retaining water they are in an optimal state for building new muscle... hurr durr

you supplements faggots are the worst , seriously.
that's just wrong -_-
I love those package, same used to sell car oil or some fuel additive.
But I dunno what's better for health between oil/fuel and the amount of shit you bought :D
image: CIMG5252

you are 20 and your body looks like that a 10years old kid has , grat :p
stop staring at it!!
kolega z silowni podjebales puste opakowania :d?
no co ty :D wlasnie dzisiaj przyszly wiec sie chwale :D
lepiej sie na tym wychodzi bez koksu taniej , zdrowiej i na dluzej :)
gdzie ty tu widzisz koks?
odzyweczki pewnie powiesz :)
bullshit :)! stop reading that crap!
actually on those sites there ar many persons, who train the whole life, and all those bodybuilding things gonna be discussed there. How is it, u think there ar only stupid cunts talking on the side about something they dont know?
All I can say is this: i've been training intensively with an extremely fucked up knee for nearly a decade now and squats are a part of my daily routine. There's no strain on the knee at all when performed correctly. The person who supervises every aspect of my training is the top kinesiotherapist of this country and one of brightest in the field world wide. I trust him over a bodybuilding forum.

Just my own experience
so u believe more kinesiotherapist and doctors, who know shit about real training?
There ar already many discussions about what those alleged "competent" Trainers and Doctors recommend, they even dont agree by themself. I dont wanna say, the squats is a shit exerice, this exercise is truly the best for legs, but pretty dangerous (expecially by high weights) and destroys ur knees. Its pretty good, u have somebody by the side, who explains u the right technik (if its true). Secondly i dont propagate everyone should abandon it, i just wanna bring the fact, this exercise isnt that harmless like many believe. My advice: just check everything what u learn and hear new in this sport, and dont follow blindly ur doctor, because only the true bodybuilders can give u best advices.
This doctor/professor has been working with top athletes (bodybuilders amongst them aswell) for about 40 years and he was an athlete himself (decathlon), so I guess I'll stick with him :) Doesn't mean I blindly follow everything ofc. Common sense dictates you should be carefull with weights. Yes, if you lift a Boeing 747 while doing squats a knee injury might occur.
waste of money all you need is whey :P
yea, just show your body to crossfire, big boy
he is right, squats is very unhealthy for u knee, but again, its differently by all persons.
Show picture plz, before after.
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