The Invention of Lying

Great film, I would definitly recommend watching it to anyone with a good taste of humour :) I have no idea what it is but I haven't watched a single film written by a comedian (well he's not really a full time comedian but you know what I mean) that dissapointed me. Jennifer Garner, Jonah Hill (allthough I don't really like him) and Louis C.K. did a great job. It isn't a new film but somehow I missed the release. Well spent 94 minutes.

Have you watched any films that suprised you lately? Not in a bad way though. Something you didn't expect much from and yet you really enjoyed every minute of it.
was expecting something different
i saw it on the plane ride home from london actually

was an awesome movie.
Can't wait to see Inception COOOOOOOOOOOOOOL SHIT!
not my taste, the idea was good but the movie wasnt

Recent movie that I watched and like: Man on the Moon (1999)
I actually watched it few days ago. Quite weird if you ask me :p
told my mother to watch this movie after 1 hour she said "what is this? stupid movie.." :D
man on the moon, great movie!
love Jim Carrey's performance!
t'was alright
lol, was average, not completely shit but nowhere near as good as you're making it out to be
What I expect from movies is originality and the concept of world without lies is something I haven't seen before :) If you can show me another film that uses it I'll stand corrected.
demolition man is pretty close.
just because something is original it doesn't make it a good film, i thought it was quite amusing, just wasn't the best film i've seen
u saw a movie? damn reallifer tbh
your point beside trying to be funny but ending beeing a cunt?
nope, thats about it
idz juz spac krein :) Wez tam ode mnie ucaluj grubasa, bo dawno z nim nie gadalam:)
jakos nie chce mi sie spac i licze ze ktos mi jakis dobry tytul podsunie :)
moge Ci polecic Shutter Island, naprawde rewelacjny film:) ( jakos przebolejesz tego leo xD)
Helvetica was a movie I enjoyed and it wasn't quite as boring as I made it out to be.
krein you sexy fuck
Unthinkable with Samuel L Jackson was a simple masterpiece, highly recommend it! x
but but you have no sense of humor?
joke man just joke..
fuck you sexy krein
was expecting to read

Quote...... by Belgiumvila
citizen kane i watched it yesterday night by forcing myself to watch it because i downloaded it like a month ago (usually i download a movie the next day i watch it) and i thought lets just get this over with, and it really was a good movie it was waaaaaaaay ahead of its time in 1941 (:D) the story is so easy to follow but at the end it becomes so confusing that after the movie you keep trying to think it over what it actually meant (like i did for like an hour or so) i didnt expect much of it (a movie from 1941 i mean cmon) but it came out to be in my top 10 movies that i watched
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