ET Win7 textures problem

Hi guys, i am using win7, now when i am playing et i have shinning textures, my gun is shinning, medpacks too, also floor on sp_delivery. Anyone know how to solve this problem, also i play on laptop and cant get fullscreen, have black sides on the screen, is there any solution for that too?
Let me guess, ATI 10.5\10.6? (if so, use 10.4)
try an older driver
it's caused by the catalyst 10.5/6 graphics drivers

get the 10.4 :P
I honestly dunno how people can be so fucking stupid that they can't tell that the problem comes from their newly installed catalyst driver...
just love this retarded kids who think they are the most wise on the world
damn, blame catalystmaker. and what about resolution? Using r_mode -1 and other customhight and width doesnt work
maybe cuz it's customheight
lol man, please go comment other journals, cause ur advices here arent useful
everyones telling you the same thing as I am so maybe you should go and download an older driver...

image: 2lcbmop
problem with textures was already discussed, if u dont follow, just dont comment, now i am asking about fullscreen problem, which might not be related to catalyst version
If you didn't downgrade your drivers, it probably is. Just install the fucking 10.4 drivers, it's not a big deal.
I guess some people are really stupid :D
thx man.. stuff like this really gets under my skin XD
custom resolution:
r_mode -1
r_customwidth 1440
r_customheight 990
vid restart bug
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