i'm at the club

and there is this hot girl who is looking at me all the time. Well i just realised that she only has 6 fingers in total XD

I might still go for her though
ask cuttyBurnsvicimslover
why would you make a journal of that
hahahahaha don't go for her man! 6 fingers is very few!
who cares about fingers tbh ....
fuck or dont fuck thats the question...
Less fingers will make your dick look bigger in her hands.
thats 5 to 1
back from my abiball :)
hab noch mündliches nächste woche :(
Hate is temporary love is necessary, i went from eating pussy 2 eatin commentary,damn i am the sickest i need therapy
u can buy the answer but u cant afford 2 question me,
1st off, i dont need u 2nd guessing me, jail is lik 3rd base? Im comin home eventually,
still got shooters like hottub, man im anemic, still got blood,
im in my cell, reading fanmail, wish i was in Amsterdam sippin amsdale,
thinkin about all of that pussy i cant smell, Man they did me wrong, i feel lik nelson mandel ugh"FREE WEEZY
go for it, now she's within your league.
And I'm back. Was too shy :(
You should have went over, my friend once had sex with a gypsy with down syndrome who was in a wheelchair.
your friend.... we understand ;D
But seriously, if she's hot, who cares, you dont look at the mantel piece when your poking the fire
awesome! :D
alchool can make this and muuuch more :D
mein onkel sagt immer: wer an chinesen geht, den stören auch fehlende körperteile nicht.
es ist sozusagen das familiencredo, falls man das so schreibt :D
Get her Twitter account at least.
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