Good morning homeslices of our Crossfire nation!

After being on a real life spree yesterday (work, beach, party - zomg), I'm taking some time out to bring you sexy beasts a journal!

I discovered a website a while ago call the The Hype Machine, it's basicaly a good site if you like to hear mashups and remixes of good tracks (mainly electro stuff on there). Check it out www.hypem.com

For those who knew about this already, thanks for not telling me!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And for those who didn't and like it, then np matez!

So, it calls for your average journal shit, here it is!

image: 17

Lots of love from the people's admin <3
no thanks
how is your bodybuilding going?

image: 2e884kqb
atm nothing, no time at all, im just paying for it :(
i was a bit lazy the last days, need to do more now. going to order a hantelbank and some weights

image: 2e884kqb
why just not to go to a fitness club? any good in the near?
i post it here serveral times before because everybody was aksing "why?"
k you cant know that ;)
next fintesscenter is 5 km away k thats not that much i can go by ride but it costs 40 euro per month!
40 euro is not much if the club has everythink u need, of course it depends on ur financial situation.
Btw, 5 km is just nothing. Im driving to my fitness 3km through the city by ride too, and its great and makes u warm, so u dont need any warmup in the fitness itself .)
no better dont take that bench with barbell, if u wanna train chest.
Better take normal bench and train with dumbbells, its more effective, u can change the angle and its more shoulder friendly.
Take 2 dumbbells with different weights, better with difference of 0,5-1 kg, so u can improve more slightly
i have one kilo 1,2 kilo two kilo 2,5 kilo weights at home. so is the bench not good? :O cant find a decent one which doesnt cost so much euros :/
u know i would suggest u many things, but if u have no much money, so buy dumbbells with weights and good bench
just take as much weights for dumbbels as u need. Check at exercises if u need more, and buy
i can take 50 kilo benchpress so i need ~20 kilo per dumbell i have two 10 kilo dumbells at home i do butterflys with them thats good too imo but i like to improve
dont buy all that weights for bench press, thats overrated exercise. The reason for that i already posted before. Better buy enough weights for ur dumbbells and train chest with dumbbells. The only reason u should buy the barbell is only for doint squats (if u gonna do this exercise).
This is what I mean and is just better as bench press: http://www.exrx.net/WeightExercises/PectoralSternal/DBBenchPress.html
dann wäre eine hantelbank doch aber trotzdem von nöten,oder nicht?
natürlich, sogar sehr wichtig!, dann nimm dir eine gute, stabile Bank, ohne jedoch diesen Zusatz für die Benchpressübung. Kauf dir auf jeden Fall eine verstellbare, damit du unter verschiedenen Winkeln Brust und Schulter trainieren kannst.
Hier einige wichtige Übungen dazu:
Mal schauen welche ich mir zulege. Danke für die GIFs, die sidn echt gut. Sowas hab ich schon länger gesucht. Ich werde in den nächsten Tagen mal die Sachen bestellen.
ich würde dir noch etwas wichtiges empfehlen:
kauf dir diese SZ-Stange: http://www.gorillasports.de/Hantelstangen/Sz-Curlstange-mit-Sternverschluss::129.html#viewcontent
damit wirst du viel mehr wichtige Übungen für Schulter, Trizeps und Bizeps machen können
ja, ich werd mir mal verschiedene angebote angucken udn mriw as zusammenstellen, danke!
Idiocy. Free weights are much more versatile.
inb4 breit gebaut, braun gebrannt, 100 kilo hantelbank
so einer bin ich ja nicht. der megapumper bin ich nicht ;P
auch kein vernerdeter-überaus fetter-internethero ;D
i throw 1000000$ that you will achieve nothing with the knowledge you displayed
wtf :D why am I not surprised it comes from a jew... :D
Ur so stubborn
hf drinking milk, u gonna achieve nothing, i tested it on myself alraedy 3 years ago thinking like u :D
i'm not thinking, you are just a very confused person
i bet you are not even doing squat and deadlift...which says enough on what you are doing
how's your ABCDEFG training going on?
so only because i dont do squat im what? Even great athlets abandoned this exerice, and even without squat u can build muscles. Ur statement is just useless
United KingdomHype The Machine
Make the video work. I am eager to see what it is.
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