Subliminal massages o.o

Ok so today I spend almost whole day at home( sick, allergy and other crap:( ) I was totally bored so I checked some stuff in net abour number 23 etc etc :p and I found this clip on youtube. Thought u minght be interested :)


note on the side - song from that clip is rly nice o.o

edit* now I am reading about shit end of 2012 year :7 ok better I will just go and watch futball again.
portuguese guys dominating
wtf Portugal domination
i'd like a subliminal massage
massage would be great! too bad it's only a message. :(
lol that's so stupid an all, just kept watchin cuz of the music
Derren Brown - if you like subliminal messages :D
q=$ :3 >.<

Oh Wait : P!
why doing this?
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