Weird PC problem

Ok this is the weirdest problem I have seen...
Out of no where, my Pc shuts down, then power on, boots normally, untill it gets to the black screen with the windows symbol, loading windows before u get to desktop
In this stage, after a bit of loading, it simply shuts down again, and it goes over and over again forever and ever. The only way to make PC boot successfuly, is to press F8 after it shuts down, and press on Boot with known working configuration... But after a few hours it happened again!
Note to mention, last time I had this problem was about two months ago. Today suddently it happened twice today! What the heck?
Reinstall windows.
NOTE: temps are fine, checked with everest, gpu never passes the 60, and CPU 40
sounds like its a messed up driver causing windows to crash when it trys to load, if you installed any new drivers last few days then try doing a system restore to a week ago or something that should fix the problem .
nope i didnt...:( i also did a system restore
Dont know then but definetly sounds like a messed up driver of some sort , go into your event viewer and see what problems are highlighted from around the times of the crashes there should be some information on whats causing the crashes.
well, a person down here said a worm could be the nod AV is pretty dead, so i might dl some security craps and burn those worms :P cheers for the help
PALA i thought you knew everything !

Had the same on my old PC, I was told it was a worm. I could not restore, had to reinstall my shit :<

damit lol :X any one knows any good anti worms/spyware programs
format only way to get rid of a worm, but most worms are detectable i'd find out what it is and how you most likely got it before you format so you won't get it again!

Try doing a windows repair to.
QuoteFormat only way to get rid of a worm

Hurr durr derp derp
share ur wisdom!!!
Boot into safe mode, scan with virus scanner, remove. Works most of the time, for all viruses.

Or if that won't work (ie. it's a rootkit or your scanner can't detect it, which is rare), acquire the worm's "name" from your virus scanner or something and Google it. You will very likely find instructions on how to remove it.

Yet it is far more likely that you don't have your PC infected at all and it is just your operating system fucked up.

As for good antivirus programs, Avast is a great one and it's free too. It's better than many commercial products. Then there's Microsoft Security Essentials which I heard is also decent, and then there's Common Sense 2010 which will keep you protected from almost everything, when combined with Firefox extensions AdBlock Plus and NoScript.
Might use avast, not sure. my nod is dead :P i'll have to first find a decent software to remove that worm, if my i have one
cheers for the help
idd do share your wisdom, because if you can get a worm and get your windows working exactly the way it was before you got it, you iz are amazing
There's no virus that can't be removed without formatting. It's just a matter of will it take too much work to remove it without formatting, or will removing it exceed the skills of the remover.

Yet fact is that most worms only differ from other viruses by them spreading via email etc. Get the worms name with a virusscanner, Google it, and most of the time you will find remove instructions.
yea exactly like I said, but your windows is never the same after you get a virus or a worm or even malicious malware that was my point :>
Your windows is not the same even after you reboot.

After a virus has been removed it won't leave noticeable marks in performance or capacity, unless it wasn't removed.
windows degrades over time anyway, when you get a virus it corrupts your windows installation, depending on the virus ofc
that's what you get for watching weird porn on weird sites!
I would give serious suggestions on what you should do to fix your problem but since you don't give a shit about any opinion other than your own I'll just say: it's those Palestinians' fault.
i should have known that
darn im going to kill a lot more tomorrow than i did today
and i'm also sure you have nothing to say, i doubt u have any experience in this
pc dont like jews, kinda simple
take a shower :))))))
vid restart bug and /q zenix
Most likely BSOD into insta reboot like I used to get.
Right click My Computer - Properties - Advanced - Startup and Recovery settings - uncheck Automatic restart.
Reboot computer and hopefully you'd get the BSOD, get the error codes and check what it is.

Mine was some corrupt files \o/
Nobody said format yet;o
because format would be the actual way to make it work again :_D
i had a similar problem, i have 2 hdd's so i just reformatted both. one was still fucked up but this one is fine some how :P
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