At least we're not as bad as france

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Anelka is not amused!
Sounds like something Meez would do.
But still, just as bad as the frogmen :D
Anelka is not amused!
this WC is amazing isnt it? :)
Looool, true dat, dont know whats happening with the teams who were supposed to win this wc.
France is the worse team of this world cup!
that guy(or those guys) is/are genius!
Tosspot juste let me remind u how ridiculous was UK vs algeria. But still you didn't meet every staff/ego issues of france.
Don't pay attention to those tards... Just remember 1998
and France won the EC in 2000 aswell right?
you had a nice team then :) Too bad its going like this now :(
idd, now it's not about football but fake fame and egoboost.
Medias aren't helpin' obviously but players + staff are overrating themselves.
Here, something to cheer you up:

image: Alba_swimming
the team is England, not Unikted Kingdom.
And Algeria ain't that weak.
We are much, much worse than France.
No, the funny thing is, we're absolutely terrible and France are (somehow) worse.
We are year in year out disappointing. France at least won 98.
Yes you are
We don't even get angry if britishs make fun of us,so imagin how fucking bad we're =D
I like it :D
Genius. Really amazing :XD
sorry, but your gameplay dissapointed as much as frances`
After getting a decent goalkeeper you could be moking at us. Even if those french players are so much paid and absolutly don't mind about matchs' results.
Me France Le Dudinsky is agree with you about le Robert Green.
tbh mexico and urugay are way way better than usa and alzeria. poor poor england fan, shit song aswell.
but you are still worse than algeria :D:D:D:D:D
Equal to Algeria!

(How are Wales doing in the world cup?)
do we give two shits about football? :D
The song, just like two previous, is awesome :).
Although I think Uruguay and fantastic Mexico are tougher than USA and Algeria (without Meghni :/).
Your worse than Scotland and we didn't even qualify!
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