]; xlp em pleH

haey oS
image: shot0001

pleh tndid ,ydaerla 4.01 tsylatac dellatsni /pudekc_f/sciP/yrotirreTymenE/ik.ue.oavihs//:ptth
vid_Restart bug
uninstall traces of rivatuner :~>
whats problem
play starwars is cool.
drawgun 0
The Problem are the drivers, i have it too, just full uninstall and install previous version of catalyst.

Tambem me acontece as vezes, ainda n consegui perceber porque, mas so acontece no et.

fica bem.
^thank u sir
chrome weapon is cool!
it sucks, in delivery the floor and some walls stay chromed too! Catalyst sucks btw..
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