Midnight Diary

Just watched the following YouTube video with fellow Ventrilo buddies after reading about this band being some sort of sensation in the indie world, whatever the fuck that might be.

I grabbed hold of her wrist and my hand closed from tip to tip
I said “you’ve taken the diet too far
you have got to let it slip”
But she’s not eating again
she’s not eating again
she’s not eating again
she’s not eating again


You talk about your politics
and I wonder if you could be one of them
but you could never kiss a Tory boy without wanting to cut off your tongue again.

Are you fucking joking me.

image: 9lhmwk

dont care what you think
ive seen them live four times now
youre a massive gay
Quote by im a cunt on 23/06/10, 03:30:37
don't cunt what you cunt
i'm cunt them cunt times now
i'm a massive cunt
Pro's : You are a hipster and are supposed to like these faggots.
They are so unbelievably terrible they will never become mainstream so you can keep liking them.

Con's : They can't sing
Their lyrics are pointless and don't actually make sense.
They sound bad on recording
They sound even worse live
The music isn't catchy, nor does it possess any quality which would prevent you from hurling their album out the fucking window.
The lead singer mumbles bullshit and starts shouting half way through songs while emphasising the wrong words.
They sing about anorexia and then segue half way through to some _uninformed_ retarded generic political reference.
Their image contradicts everything they sing about.
Supporting them contradicts all that bullshit you're supposed to believe.
haha n1 pro!
Meez has lost a bet
Now he must write on crossfire
Absolute Bullshit
what a surprise you and shuki are one of the first to comment
i wasnt on vent
at the time it was posted
it was luck i guess
what a shitty song thanks to the lyric and the singer makes a terrible effort to ruin the song.
the sound of the song with the arranges itself is not that bad, they are quite decent in that.

used to listen indie back in 2008.. but not my thing anymore..
image: tumblr_kxgbxdyFB11qb27fho1_500

sorry for making this seem like some port of /b/ reply baggiez but its related.
End of the day >Hipsters>spastics>deny it> read nme>bigger spastics>go shopping at topshop>get tennis shoes>am underground>cunts.
got me into tears. so deep yet so beautiful.
sounds horribly.. the drummer sounds like he is getting assraped while trying to play this song.
sorry but you're just not indie enough
Shit frontman. He does know the difference between spoken word and singing right? I think they should take a leaf out of the coolest of all hipsters http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFfwVVkKz28&feature=related
Died a bit inside listening to that
lol give me the youtube link, i got a white box on crossfire. :E
Look at them cunts applauding him at the start like it's a song they have been waiting the listen to.
oh god.. I hate all those fags that dress like http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uoIr60buB1I&feature=related that especially girls, none of them are ever good looking they try attract people with clothes.. it's just shockin.
haha whats so special about their clothes?
it's just all "oh i didnt put effort in" but actually they probably spent more time trying to get that look than anyone else would take getting ready
what look? a shirt and shorts?
watch the vid! the hair, jewellery clothes everything, it just annoys me :D
you're strange :(
image: wtf_is_this_shit

even Pac is dissapoint!
image: 2Pac2
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