help with cfg :)

hey!! : )

i am in need of some little help about cfg:

i want high resolution, but how can i put all the details off (like e.g. totally naked walls [no lines and stuff])

so basically everything off (except weapon and essential stuff).

any hints?

high resolution without details --> for the no details --> rivatuner
i dont think thats possible, sir.
palehook is your friend here
Not possbile in ET since you can't set r_picmip higher than 3. You can try to pimp your settings with Rivatuner, but it doesn't make much difference.

High resolution, r_mode -1 r_custowidth x r_custoheight x
it's possible, but it's not free :D image: pH6
Haha ! nice one
haha well this is maybe a bit TOO low, but def. in the right direction ;D

/wh "0" and i would say thats cool ;D

but just realized, played with r_picmip 1.. so 3 makes huge difference.: )
r_mode 8
r_picmip 3
r_gamma 3
r_subdivisions 20
r_mapoverbrightbits 3

& rivatuner
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