Soccer vs. Football

soccer or football
chips or crisps
fries or chips
non rhotic r or rhotic r
trunk or boot

Honestly, who really gives a fuck? Queen's English and American English are different for a reason, either read a history book or get over yourselves. Or bitch at people who call it "footy" too. Also, build some football stadiums that are as big as our football stadiums then we'll talk.
handegg vs football xD

but ye:

Soccer < football
chips > crisps
fries > chips
trunk > boot

Also, build some football stadiums that are as big as our football stadiums then we'll talk.

now thats shit argument ;z
image: u-mad1

QuoteWho really gives a fuck?

I do!
no u its handegg
gtfo with your baby rugby.
If there's one sport filled with pussies, dramaqueens and whiners it's football.
Totally agree.
yeah, i think footballers should watch some american football or rugby :)
Rugby only.
LOL well, in an ideal tackle in American football, the defender's face mask hits the ball carrier's forearm with the intention of knocking the ball loose. Believe me that shit doesn't feel good :D I will admit that there's a certain homoerotic element to it but that comes with an increased amount of contact.
basketball > football
This sport was create in england long time ago and guess wat? THEY SAID FOOTBALL
Wtf, it wasnt created in England you retard :DDD
Provide a reliable source stating that it wasn't founded in England then?
It was played all over the world for centuries.

We cant know for sure who 'created' it.

Sure, the modern form of it may have its origin in England, but in no way did England actually create football :)
Around the same time, Americans created a different game, and they called it football. Then we were introduced to your association football and called it soccer because changing the name of an old game because a new, less popular game came around would indicate a severe mental handicap.

It's also called football because you play it on your feet rather than on a horse like fucking royalty did, it's the same reason we have different names for cow and beef.
There were no Americans during the Middle Ages. Because that's when football as we know it has it's origin.
Yes, origins, but it wasn't called football universally until the 1800s, around the same time American football was developing from a mixture of American Indian games and traditional European games. History is twisted from both ends because people want to lay claim to a dumb word.
Agreed, soccer is a dumb word.
so that's the reason it's called football? because you play it on your feet? goodamn, then you have a lot of versions of football, one should be called basketfootball, one basefootball and you could also have tennisfootball
Yes, technically those are all football sports. If you study the history of the English language though, it falls in line with the way most words developed. I'm not making it up at all.
so the fact that you use your foot to kick the ball is not so relevant as the fact that you play on your feet? weird those english people are

QuoteAround the same time, Americans created a different game

is something I highly doubt, you people were too busy shooting the native americans at the time football was formed

Should explain everything pretty well.
what does wikipedia know, it's probably hosted on an american server so it can't be trusted
wnb Englishman get over it..
handball > all other teamsports
a few billion people call it football

a few million call it ...

only your country plays it professionally

over 200 nations play the world game professionally
FIFA and UEFA, not FISA and UESA pretty much sums it all

its like that im here. ....nascar and golf!
srsly who watch nascar :DDDD

as ive said in my previous post call it wotever the fuck you want in usa... but when addressing the rest of world call it football :>> although that kinda has nothing to do with the question. As its kinda saying le or the, although when your talking about an invention or something known worldwide by the same name best not to tinker with it.
"Also, build some football stadiums that are as big as our football stadiums then we'll talk. "

Football has bigger stadiums than hand egg, and the highest attendances ever were at football games (200,000 record) and NOT at hand egg (112,000 record), so how about you try and achieve that and then we'll talk.

PS: It's not your hypocrite attitude as world leader that makes you hated throughout the world, it's your refusal to call football football.

Hmm there 6 American football stadiums that are larger than the biggest stadium in Europe. Seems highly illogical that 200,000 fans can fit in a 98,000 seat stadium unless they are counting people outside the stadium. If that was the case, we have this little thing called tailgating that would put the attendance at around 150,000 for EVERY GAME played in those 6 stadiums. You sir are as every bit as ignorant as the Americans you despise. I honestly don't understand the animosity towards average Americans that have no control over how their government acts (current approval rating of the federal government is in the low 30s). Get a brain.
Football is played all over the world so I have absolutely no idea why you would limit it to only Europe when it comes to big stadiums.
The 200,000 crowd was achieved in the fifties, when safety measures weren't so strict as nowadays and when such crowds were possible. There's also mention of games in Scotland between Celtic and the Rangers drawing 150,000 fans to the stadium, but once again, that was before the ridiculous safety measures and anti-good atmosphere elements which are in place now.
I've checked the Super Bowl attendance figures btw, an average of merely 70-75,000 when your stadiums are all 80,000+ is kinda "sad", but then again you have 100 million people watching it on TV so I guess it evens out.

And I don't despise Americans, I'm even cheering for them at this world cup (I absolutely LOVE Landon Donovan so you can imagine my exhileration when he scored against Algeria). I'm simply getting fed up with the term "soccer". You're on a website that mainly attracts Europeans, it's not that difficult to change the term soccer to football. To me it even seems you're doing it on purpose to attract more attention.
Wrong, calling it soccer is my natural voice. You sound like a complete asshole calling it soccer here unless you're obviously foreign. If I was writing for only here I might call it football, I don't mean disrespect I just don't understand the fuss.
Is it that difficult to change the word "soccer" to "football" when you paste your writings here, especially considering you'll draw a lot of flame when you stick to "soccer"? It's nothing short of immature to stick to your views when you're on a community website where the majority shares another view. I think it's called respect...
And our natural voice is that we hate the word soccer being used for football.

And since we outnumber you and I do believe you are fond of democracy, that means YOU will have to adjust to US.

Suck it bitch.
you need bigger stadiums so all the fat fucks can fit in, seems pretty logical to me xD
stop talking shit pls.we speak here of football stadiums,not stadiums where u play ur shit game where u throw the ball with the hand but u call it football
QuoteAlso, build some football stadiums that are as big as our football stadiums then we'll talk.

Now that is one shit argument :s Biggest American football stadium, according to Wikipedia, Beaver stadium has a capacity of 107,282.

According to Wikipedia as well, biggest football ( or 'soccer' if you wish ) stadium is Rungrado May Day Stadium situated in (oh, the irony) North Korea. Still, we also have Maracana which is believed to have a capacity from 95 to almost 200 thousand ppl.

Well, it's still a shit argument to decide which name is 'better' by the size of stadiums -.-.

Sorry for engrish.
According to wikipedia, that stadium is rarely used for sports, it was built for some huge festival by a totalitarian government. I think we can rule that one out.

The other one is in India, which has 1/6 of the world's population.

America has 6 bigger stadiums than the biggest one in Europe.
stop making yourself look like an american
I honestly don't care who has bigger stadiums but I did check my facts. I'm just trying to validate that Europeans automatically knock on anything Americans do. So far you guys have done nothing but prove me right.
It was europeans that founded america.
and all the retards from here moved there... thank god!
Ok, but i think that we can rule out size of stadiums as a reasonable argument.
QuoteAmerica has 6 bigger stadiums than the biggest one in Europe.

so, soccer > football ? u mad ?

Quote16/23 american players are playing in Europe

quess why?
Wow grats....

There are 300+ mill people living in the US.

On average there are 20mill people living per European country.

Not even close to a fair comparison.

Get something that's worth comparing and we'll talk.
I don't mind you calling it soccer. That doesn't mean anyone else has to or that it actually makes sense. And on an international forum, I would consider it to be reasonably polite if you would not call it soccer consistently.

I don't give a flying fuck what you call it on your personal blog.
Well our English teacher gets mad when we say soccer so football is the right word, I'm sorry number1dad.
F1 > both anyway, when it comes to spectators
fucking americans, when will they learn!!! HRMF!!! FOOTBALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
only football! I can imagine call it soccer, is sound so gay o,o

and about stupid arguments - if ur handeggshaped sport is so great and better than football, why u cant see it in olympic games?:O
Good question!
Because we're the only country that plays it. It's catching on in Europe though. If we're supposed to give soccer football a chance, why are Europeans allowed to pretentiously dismiss our version? Oh wait, it's because Americans are supposed to live their lives in shame that they're not elitist Europeans.
well you are certainly not acting like you are humble now are you?
Humility is a quality nobody here possesses, I don't knock on European culture, is it that hard to expect the same in return?
you barg in discussing a random stupid ass fact that nobody really cares about, but you. Then replying to everyone forcing your own opinion on the same stupid fact and you expect us to love you for it?
I didn't start the argument dumbass.
but you are the one still carrying on the discussion.. so does it matter who started it?

And calling me a dumbass? first you want respect then when you dont get it you start getting agressive.. You fit the stereotype exactly of what we hate in America(n Politics).
You don't have any culture
Thank you for reinforcing my point sir.
Your point was that Americans don't have culture?
Yes that's right, American people are known for their respect for other cultures. Europeans are the ones pissing on everything that isn't capitalistic and doesn't have stars and stripes on them.

Honestly, the only thing European people REALLY hate about American people, is that they tend to revert into elitist, patronizing class-a jerks when they feel the least bit offended or compromised.

I've met tons of great Americans, have some family there, but you are just enforcing that stereotype with every single comment you have made so far.
The problem is, and people who know me well agree, is that I go out of my way to learn about ways and cultures of other people and am very respectful and interested in human culture in general. I just get disappointed when I get looked down upon because I'm American.
Understandable. Some people are just prejudice, but don't let those people define your nation or don't let it make you enforce stereotypes . Because basically Prejudice is just a nice word for retarded, and those people are exactly that :)

I mean, I have met alot of jerks from the USA in this game. Once I was on a public server with a few of those, these guys were basically claiming Europe is a shithole without the US and would be speaking german if it wasn't for them, etcetc. Still, I approach each individual with respect and won't judge them untill they prove me wrong :P

You can't expect people to respond nice to such an aggressive journal though
Then why don't you do that here? You're the one who started the disrespect by refusing to call football football, on a European community website. It's really not that difficult to change 3 words, especially not considering you already used the phrase "the production of top footballers" in your text. See? Football, not soccer.
hmm such a shame, u have been playing ur "football" almost 150 years and it is still popular only in USA. In the same time football get popular in almost whole world :O

and another thing, big stadions? no thanks! Tell me how the hell u can see smth there? U going to watch match with some googles or what?:O

image: splash
oke oke my bad xD goggles! xD
NFL Europe is growing year after year, especially in Germany and the UK.

Why hate on the sport?
hmmm dunno about ur informations, but according to wikipdedia - NFL Europe was an American football league which operated in Europe from 1991 until 2007. Atm is dead :O All teams went retired. It was 5 teams form Germany,one form Spain, England, Holland and Scottland. Think thats enought to show how popular is american football in Europe:)

and btw thats not hate, I just preffer rugby :p
NFL Europe didn't fail because noone in Europe liked American Football, but seeing as
you're expert of the interwebz, I'll let you wikipedia a response.

Long story short, NFL Europe was premature, badly organized, and was overshadowed by the NFL itself. Fans were far happier supporting American teams than those in their own country because the American teams were so much better. It was a minor league in a big pond, destined to fail. Since NFL Europe shut down, interest in Europe has boomed, culminating in NFL regular season games being held in Europe.

tl;dr - you're a pretencious, ignorant bitch. & a wrong one at that
finaly I can see ur real face:) u were calling me biatch long time ago, then u were trying to act like "oh i didnt say that", same was with sight, before u were always not nice for him, after, when u were playing with him on vent such a suprice, baggiez is nice :)
u can call me bitch how often u want, that wont change the fact how false and rude person u are.
You kidding me?

I've never liked Sight. I tolerated him because he was a mutual friend of the SNB players, but that's all.

You, I've never known. Sure I may have made smalltalk, but don't confuse that with attempts at forging a relationship. I had no real opinion of you until you referenced wikipedia as a source of information.
nice to know.
Bigger isn't always better but I think a lot of people would change their minds about America in general if they attended a college football game at one of the big schools. Having a large stadium proves nothing more than you have enough people willing to fill it, which I think says a lot about the devotion of a team's supporters, even though you don't have to have a big stadium to have quality supporters (ask Green Bay fans).
I hope you're a better dad than you are a linguist.
either call it football or expect shitstorm from this community, pretty simple really
big stadiums dont add inches to your cock outside of the USA.

in the usa everything is big, thats why you are ridiculous. its not actually a good thing
mls stadiums in america are atrocious, might be big but are never filled and the average attendances are poor compared to europe.
buahahahaha and ppl say im retarded :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
this journal is full of win :D
and some1 really cares?
wtf is handegg? xDD

you aint got no pancakes!!!!!
football is used in the most countries, watched by more people and is worth more money. american football.... aka "rugby for pussies" is watched by 1/10th of the amount of people as football. it's called football. world cup final = 1 billion people. superbowl = 95 million people. you're wrong suck a schlong.
Football stadium in the north part of Argentina 25.000 people yelling and chearing their team (that was taken while they were in the 2rd divsion of argentina)
Oh no, this retard again.

image: STFU_and_GTFO
Some day when you gain another 200 pounds you'll understand the hate towards Americans.
average EU citizen weights 72.2 KG. Average American weighs 74.4 KG.

not too much of a difference, and Europe's obsesity problem is more quickly rising than the United States
Dunno form where do u have that informations, but on wiki is written that average weigth is USA looks like that
male 86.6 kg (190.9 lb) female 74.4 kg (164.0 lb).

Anyway to make ur day better I found some stuffs which shows that ur ppl arent the fatterst in the world :P (tbh i expected germany somewhere high on that list, but i am rly supriced they are just right away after u :P i am living here since 2 years and i saw more fat ppl, than during all 25 years which i spend in Poland xD but stilll, shame Germany :p)

List of the fattest countries in the world according to the World Health Organization (WHO):

1. American Samoa, 93.5 per cent (of population that’s overweight)

Traditionally, Pacific Islanders ate native foods high in complex carbohydrates and low in fat. That began to change dietary habits as family members abroad introduced those back home to Western eating.

2. Kiribati (in the Pacific Ocean), 81.5 per cent

Between 1964 and 2001, food imports to the least developed Pacific nations, such as Kiribati, increased six-fold. Those imports led to a huge influx in fatty food and processed meat, such as Spam and mutton flaps (fatty sheep scraps).

3. U.S., 66.7 per cent

In the early 1960s, 24 per cent of Americans were overweight. Today, two-thirds of Americans are too fat, and the numbers on the scale keep going up. Health experts attribute the rise to an over-production of oil, fat and sugar — the result of government farm subsidies started in the 1970s that made it much cheaper to manufacture products like high fructose corn syrup, a common ingredient in processed foods.

4. Germany, 66.5 per cent

When Germany found out that it was the fattest nation in Europe, health experts blamed the usual suspects: beer, fatty foods and lack of physical activity. Like the rest of the world, Germans are suffering from an easy availability of junk food and more sedentary jobs and lifestyles.

5. Egypt, 66 per cent

In the 1960s, Egypt produced enough food to feed its people a steady diet of red meat, poultry, lentils, maize and dairy products. But by the 1980s, the population had outgrown food production, leading to an increase in food imports that created poorer eating habits.

6. Bosnia-Herzegovina, 62.9 per cent

Smoking, drinking and eating unhealthy foods spiked during the war that ravaged the country from 1992 to 1995. Those living just above the poverty line are gaining weight the fastest, partly because of the tendency to fill up on cheap processed foods high in calories and low on nutritional value.

7. New Zealand, 62.7 per cent

Researchers found that how much time New Zealand children spend watching television is a better predictor of obesity than what they eat or how much they exercise. The study found that 41 percent of the children who were overweight by age 26 were those who had watched the most TV.

8. Israel, 61.9 per cent

In the past 30 years, the number of obese Israelis has tripled. As in most developed countries, obesity is most prevalent among Israelis with less education.

9. Croatia, 61.4 per cent

Croatia is a victim of the globalization of the food market, which tends to suppress traditional diets as cheaper processed foods from the U.S. and Europe flood store shelves.

10. United Kingdom, 61 per cent

A recent survey ranked the British among the bottom third of European nations in physical exercise, leading Health Secretary Andy Burnham to comment, “We’re really in danger of being known as the best in the world for watching sport, but one of the worst for getting out there and doing it for ourselves.”

tadaaa :)
Nobody is fussing, people are just confused about what you're referring to. Further attempts to say "hey, look, it's an alternative, so I'm gonna use it because it's natural for me" is just trying to instigate more negative responses. I doubt people were annoyed about it at first, but posting a journal is just meaningless. It's clear that you're just trying to stir shit up (I will, however, commend you for having succeeded in that).
My favorite response so far, I was trying to explain myself but I guess posting two journals about the subject wasn't the best idea. People were fussing though unless there is a grave misunderstanding but I really don't care anymore. You are right though, I made quite a stir. Subconsciously, I suppose I think the world vs. America thing has gotten a little out of control (everywhere) and it's something I feel strongly about, so sometimes it just comes out. You also have to realize that I don't socialize directly with Europeans so this is the only window I get into the European (using the term entirely too broadly I know) psyche. So far, I've been as poor a representative to some as they've been to me, but it is what it is.
I suppose it's that "feel strongly" part that makes it that much worse. With that said, I wouldn't say all Europeans hate Americans (in fact, I daresay the xenophobes are even a minority); this community is just filled with haters and trolls, so despite your resilient attempts to explain why America isn't much worse than the rest of the world, they will continue to hate you. Trying to be "different" from a "global standard" just elevates the amount of disgust.

Interestingly, people seem to think Canada is part of the States, so we get just as much shit as you do :P Personally, it doesn't bother me much; I hope you'll excuse my exploitation of the rather apropos "haters gonna hate" here (for lack of a more fitting phrase).
More fitting words have never been posted here.
wish i grew up saying football instead of soccer :(
LOL, that is sad :<
care to explain?
explain why it is sad
than u grew up with the word soccer instead of football D=
trolled hard
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