
Did the title of my last journal throw people off? Or the fact that my real journal got buried? Or are you all really that mad that Americans call football soccer? Every single American knows that it's called football everywhere else, and we respect that, is it really that hard to accept that we call it by a nickname? People seemed to think I was trying to say everybody else should call it soccer, which is not the case, but I would expect that people wouldn't get so upset about a game being given a nickname. It's getting in the way of the thick of the content in my journals which is supposed to be delving into the international harmony that the World Cup provides. Then it proceeds to Europeans vs. Americans and I lose that spirit. Can't we realize that there are retards everywhere and we all just need to get along?

Origninal article about World Cup Officiating
Go fuck yourself.
If I believed in hell, I would believe that there is a special level there reserved for people like you that rationalize poorly informed racist ideals and spread those ideals en masse. The world would be a much better place without hate-mongering fascists like you.

No, wait, I'm glad that you've reached a level of enlightenment so high that you not only know everything about somebody you just met on a website, but you also know what is best for everybody. I hope you get die waiting for a heart transplant, so ironically at the last minute you'll realize how much of an asshole you were for not realizing that everybody on earth has problems.

I'm also glad that you can sleep at night thinking you've made an impact on the world by spreading lies in order to perpetuate hate against human beings, especially one that wants nothing more than people to be nice to each other.

The world would be a better place without you. I've never said that about anybody before.
respect jonge en dat zo laat nog xD
And how does this comment relate to this journal?
it is in it.
Thanks for clearing that up. :)
just trollololling by nvm me xP
Ah, now I get it. :D
Where did he write that? Seems abit over the top.
Dunno it was some journal related to this: http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=journal&mode=item&id=96050 . Mightve been his own unsure.

e: http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=journal&mode=item&id=96069 it's not there but I think it was a reply to one my replies there
oh wesley :XD
oh sierhuis, you so random <3
dont know why you made this journal ;o probably just enjoy reading comments to something you wrote (i understand dont worry)

i know u didnt make this second journal based on my personal comment, but for as far as my comment goes i just reacted on a small part of what you wrote, i dont care you call it soccer, you people do a lot of other things differently aswell and i am glad you do (or probably im just glad we dont do it like you do!) also i cant imagine a lot of other people mind you call it soccer either which brings me back to where i started, i dont see the point in making another journal about the same thing within such a short time?
seriously man wtf are you trying to prove here, that having a pointless discussion is pointless?
i don't mind that you call it soccer or football, i don't care, i respect everyone's opinion and their desire
I hate jews and wanna kill them all in my oven, u fine with that?
As long as you don't hurt anyone with that, be my guest...
do pizzas scream? no! neither would you in an oven!
If more people shared your view it's likely I wouldn't have written this journal. Live and let live please :D

Did the title of my last journal throw people off? Or the fact that my real journal got buried? Or are you all really that mad that Americans call football soccer?
Every single American knows that it's called football everywhere else, and we respect that, is it really that hard to accept that we call it by a nickname?
People seemed to think I was trying to say everybody else should call it soccer, which is not the case, but I would expect that people wouldn't get so upset about a game being given a nickname.
It's getting in the way of the thick of the content in my journals which is supposed to be delving into the international harmony that the World Cup provides. Then it proceeds to Europeans vs. Americans and I lose that spirit.

Can't we realize that there are retards everywhere and we all just need to get along?


Origninal article about World Cup Officiating

Fixed for you np
The first two paragraphs should be one. I intended it that way and I stand by my paragraph divisions and actually put a lot of thought into them. It's not my fault people can't pay attention to more than three or four sentences at a time.
when in rome....
I hope you're a better dad than you are a troll.
Hope your baby gets super aids
See, you're just doing it for the attention. Sad American is sad.
Yes because I need attention from the internet. I posted two journals with the intent of discussing a simple game and 90% of the responses were "call it football." So I posted a journal about it and people went nuts. Would you not be the least bit annoyed that people read something you put a little effort into in order to start a discussion about a game we all enjoy, and the only discussion that came out was flames about a nickname you have used for 24 years?
I would show some respect and call it by it's proper name, so none of the flaming would occur.
I will call it football here since people take it way too seriously, but I've seen American football/gridiron called handegg and people have blatantly disrespected it, which has been mostly met with positive comments. Quite the double standard.
Nothing double standard about it, this is a European website and you refused to use the word football properly and now we're the disrespectful bunch because we retaliate by using the word "handegg" for a sport only played in your country?

Grow the fuck up, crybaby.
wall of text did not read.

try hitting enter every now and again? eh
That paragraph was one complete and inseparable thought, and except for maybe the last sentence could not be divided any further without looking akward.
Go eat some Maccie Dee.
It's actually spelled Mickey D's, and okay I'll have 7 cheeseburgers please.
It's also actually called football.
Well I posted this to try to make amends, I really don't care what it's called but I think I have a right to defend my artistic voice. Writing is a huge outlet for me so I do it a lot and I really enjoy discussing things on here, hence why I post about the World Cup. It's one of those rare topics that people from around the world can relate to. I do think there is a lot of ignorance and prejudice here regarding America, but who is to say that I'm not misunderstanding anybody else... it's the internet and most people can't act like normal human beings on it.

That being said, since it seems that nobody here can act with maturity when reading the word "soccer" I won't use it.
wtf is this shit, you ruined 2 hours of my life.
what life?

Says Rhand =DDDDDD
shut up pikey
FYI: 95% of us AHMERICUNS don't give a flying fuck about football/soccer/whateverthefuckyouwanttocallit and it will never be popular in the US. Also American football is gay too. Keep on trollin N1D
We don't care about Americans unless they talk about our game/us and if they do so they should use the appropriate word for the game.
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