Domenech can't be the only one to blame

Quote by reAvrDomenech can't be the only one to blame

Yes he can, and that's probably why Anelka insult this fucking nerd, Good luck for image: fr Laurent Blanc, it will not be easy !

Cu image: wc2014b1
he dropped two players purely becuase of there star signs :DDDDD
what an idiot
domenech is a mongol, never understood why they kept him as coach.
It's realy easy to understand:
image: video-jean-pierre-escalettes-010709
This boy, the president of the FFF (FFF decide who manage the France) prefer to let Domenech in stead of paid compensation

So Roseline Bachelot (Ministre of Sport) need to sack Domenech + Jean-Pierre Escalette
noobs everywhere ;D
shedidn't sack them. domenech trade off as trainer after this wc, and the escalettes has "démissioner"
+ ok he's a bad trainer, but who was trainer at the 2006 wv final? ow domenech...
domenech hardly did anything then.
it was zidane who has run the show, both on and off the pitch, managing line-ups, etc.
This guy was my father's english teacher, apparently he was an asshole
you will fail at WC 2014 once again lol
lol what the fuck, what a douchebag :D thx god this gay nation lost
"gay nation", coming from a Polish guy /facepalm.
what's so gay about polish people?
What's so gay about France? I just answered a stupid sentence with a stupid sentence, I have nothing against Polish people. (Or you're trolling hard and I got trolled?)
Yes it's all only his fault, the 11 guys on the field had nothing to do with it at all.
need to be positioned by the coach to play well..
argentina has maradona as coach, so please... :D
A good team wins even without a coach...
Yes man, but Coach need to motive them, and this one is only a people, he asked his wife to marry when we lost the WC 2006 plz !
European Cup in 2008 ;)
it's a fact, deal with it.
Pathetic coach, pathetic players, pathetic federation. I hope they fire everyone (with few exceptions)and build a new team. A real shame.
sarcozy called thierry henry to explain what happened.

Quoting from an italian website:

"Henry è atteso dal presidente Nicolas Sarkozy, a cui ha chiesto di riferire dopo la pessima figura dei Bleus in Sudafrica"


" Henry is expected from President Nicolas Sarkozy, who has asked to report after the poor showing of Les Bleus in South Africa"
cu in Brazil Brazil in 4years!

will be awesome!
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