wtf butchji

wtf butchji has just changed his flag to Italy. Something is wrong. I think the earth gonna go down tonight

(url) [[url]][/url]
Could you die, please?
and i just found this awesome lulz on youtube

(url) [[url]][/url]
r u paparrazzii?
Isnt that she from SCRUBS? :D
isnt that she?
mwha das weel heel erg wat je net dee :D
True :d zie het nu pas, zit niet echt op te letten wat ik schrijf =_=
f*'** up
useless post is useless!
impressive liga4fun achievements! lol
Trolls (Uneducated) - Such entities are usually found in otherwise intelligible discussions, spouting such rage and hatred as "This sucks, I do not like it" "You are all Fucknobs" "You should go and discretely empty the world of your presence" - Note that their use of language is usually much less eloquent. Unlike the other variety of troll, most will grow weary of their discussion within a few posts, they lack to refined techniques to draw you into a raged state. One interesting fact to note is that the majority of such users are Polish, and thus by default either retarded or drunken. Spaniards and Italians are also common to this sort of irrational, idiotic posting, and it is quite likely that this is due only to their lack of english abilities. One notable exception to this useless rule is Evan, the peon, who was recently exposed as a cheater - He is a fine example of an uneducated troll, although his techniques are even less refined than the average; you would again do well to copy his actions if you choose this as your desired function.

crazy shit !!!!
what the fuck why are u postin my profile in your journal ?
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