say goxo if you are a homo
gary medel my favourite player from now
cmon chilee !!
It's a shame what Spain is doing the last 15 minutes. Shame on you.
You obvs. have no idea. Spain has the ball and Chile is not attacking cause they pass with that result, is not Spain's problem that Chile doesn't attack.
Spain showed no fucking will to score another one, even though they had the skill, lightness and shape. They didn't even move or cross anymore. Chile was playing short, had to fear another goal and no power anymore. So don't act as if Spain wasn't able to do sth else than passing the ball around the faceoff spot.
It's not Spain's job to win that match, though - their main task is to not lose since that's the only way they could be out of the world cup. Defending when a goal up is exactly what they needed to do, and they did it well.
I quite dont get your comment, it kinda contradicts itself? :)
Spain's job WAS EXACTLY winning the game. A draw would eliminate Spain in case Switzerland beat Honduras, which was likely, but somehow didnt happen (luckily for Chile as they lost the last match).
And then last sentence is correct :).
In most situations Spain were ok with a draw, since they were, with 2 goals scored, well ahead of Switzerland on goals for (being tied on points and goal difference, if Switzerland won).
They had to win to be sure. According to your argumentation behaviour like this is fine for you? I'm not talking about taking unnecessary risks but they didn't even try to score nor to create any offense action, even though they was easily capable of it. That was far away from so called Fairplay.
alexis sanches > all
He hits him with his right knee at the start of gif.
Just look at the Chilean player run it doesnt seem natural
Torres touched/felt his knee with his foot while running and made a dive knowing the guy was so close to him. I refuse to believe any other explanation disputing that this was not a dive.
I cant believe such a slight touch would make Torres' right foot bump on the left.
Still a yellow card was deserved for a foul a minute earlier, so Chile were to play with 10 men anyways.
It does. You can't dive like that anyway.
what does it mean, you cant dive like that? you cannot intentionally clash both your legs and then fall down?
Rofl, that shit is just patetic xd
almost as good as de rossi :D
i told you, i dont think his touch procurred torres' legs to clash.
nobody sees he aksually touches torres but that it isnt worth a 2nd yellow?
there is a touch, although very slight and arugably intentional.
but the guy should be sent off two minutes earlier so it's okay, i guess.
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