waake up :D

"New Boobs" made me laugh
I'm already awake ;/
I'm already awake ;/

i need more of that,im having a great laugh
nice toys :D
hahahaha very funny ;D !!


wait for it :P


a little longer :P



image: 1070px-Coppercab_eyes
image: 1070px-Coppercab_eyes
image: 1070px-Coppercab_eyes
So are you.
Wait for it.

wait for it


your joke is a weak copy of mine :P you expect people to wait for the 2nd HA and then you write NOT FUNNY. That doesnt make sense :) you have to let people assume that you find it funny and then they await an unexpected turning in the adventure of crossfire comments :) your ability to fail has warmed my heart and I'd like to thank you for that
That wasnt a joke. I just wanted to show you your not funny. You couldnt make anyone laugh. "ha" means we couldnt even start laugh. So you failed because you cant even get a message you aint funny.
Assuming somebody says "ha" to you, you would think he does not find you funny ? Strange lad , strange

EDIT : What is the first word that comes to mind when you think of something funny ? .. indeed it is HA. HA is globally known to be the indicator of humour and comical situations/happenings.
Laugh starts with "ha" doesnt it?
Quote by squAzeYou couldnt make anyone laugh. "ha" means we couldnt even start laugh.

then please be so kind to explain me what you mean by this .. ? You serve counterarguments towards yourself, I didn't even have to comment and you would've bitten yourself in the foot. Thanks for making things less complicated :)
You realized you failed and your hitting on my comments? Your stupid :-). Show me one guy who laughed at your "joke". ":D"
failed ? care to elaborate cause I don't see any failure on my side .
And one person who laughed at that joke, you are looking right at him :p
You laughed at your joke? Because if you mean me - I didnt.
how can you look right at yourself , that would mean your PC screen is a mirror.
But yes, I burst out in tears of joy because of my humouristic comment :)
You cant see your hands,body,legs? Your wierd.
when trying to point out a person, the most common bodypart to be pointed at is obviously the head. If person A asks you to point out person B, will he point at person B's feet ? his ass ? his immense large cock ? no :) he shall most likely point towards his face, even if on a rather big distance. Most feet are the same, most hands / legs are the same, one of the most indentifiying bodyparts is obviously the head/face of a person, filled with personal touches and curves to make each head unique together with the persons name. Therefore you either point at somebodys head or at somebodys name you see on the internet.
I thank you for your attention
I really wont read your roman. So have fun writting your awesome jokes. oh wait...
what part of getting trolled dont you get?
Thats not really gettin trolled.
another empty argument.. if you state your fact please gratify me with an example of why this is not so.
To come down to your terms: yes it is.
I seemed to have struck quite a sensitive nerve right there young chap :)
Can I ask you 1 question ? Are you - by any chance and without having searched up your personal information - a ginger ?
if so , don't hold any grudges my friend, the world is filled with posibilities even for minorities who are deemed to fail throughout many years of haircolorseggragation
No I'm not but your buildup was just plain bad.
I am the rightful owner/inventor of the AL1-joke, therefore I, and only I get to decide when the buildup of my personal creation is bad. Only you are bad, and not even a little :)
That is just insane.
the AL1-joke is indeed a rather insane creation :)
No the part where only you get to decide whether your joke is funny or not.
that's a small insane part of the entire creation, therefore my creation is also insane
AL1 pro troll :D
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