Science Question

Hey guys!

I just came back from the bathroom and a question came up in my head: Does the duration of how long poop stays inside your rectum decide its consistency or is it only based on the food you ate and your digestive abilities?

Just askin'.

image: beach
I'd say the latter.
shit question
I see wut you did thar.
im eating atm and was reading that question. not nice...
stop acting like a girl!
I think it depends on the food you've eaten
depends on what u have eaten.

what are trying to say with the girls?
That I like small-chested jailbait.
hehe :D and nice ones idd
only based on the food you ate and your digestive abilities i guess

ps: i once didnt shit for 5 days :D my record so far
depends on the capability of your colon to suck the fluids out of your "poop".
this is what your colons do not do if you have diarrhea.. that is why you shit fluids then..

So in short.. the latter.
Large intestine can be divided to three parts: cecum, colon and to rectum.
Anyways large intestine can migrate some specific stuff to a stuff which body can use, it saturates some liquid from poop and this part is where poops consistency is determinated.
Rectum is just a storage where poop goes after it comes from colon.

So the final conclusion: It doesn't matter how long you hold your poop in your rectum, a day or two... it is same shit everyday.
^^^What he said is what I wanted to say but dunno the english terms soes :D
Why do u know such thing :/
You know... i have been in school.
your intestines drain water from your poo. So holding your poo up longer, will make it dryer.
Crossfire 3.0 - Fecal experts
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