poll rate and fps

is it true that when i have my fps double as high as my mouse poll rate (e.g. 125 hz with 250 fps), i can reduce weapon moving spread to almost 0?

http://enemyterritorytips.wordpress.com/2008/11/20/mastering-weapon-spread-to-increase-your-accuracy/ ->point 5)
only mouse movements afaik if you shoot you'll still gain weaponspread :>
yep, indeed.
but this is possible?

now, afaik i am not allowed to use higher fps than 125? why actually?
i guess it's not allowed to use higher than 125 because of this
and yes that's possible i've tried it myself
thats part of the reason, the game gets buggy when you go past 125 fps with things like spread drops and so on!
Doesn't really have anything to do with 125(+) fps, you'd get exactly the same issues with 125 fps and 62 (or whatever) pollrate. But the problems a low pollrate like this causes, far overcomes the little spread it reduces.
As far as i know this is the main (and only?) reason we got the 125 fps limit, which is kinda sad as it would be a really simple bug to fix with a patch.
well its only a 16ms delay between polls at 62.5Hz which is probably playable but you'd have to have a tiny penis to tweak that!

etpro has an attempt at fixed physics the same as cpma and ql for locking the movement speed but that isn't the only thing happening on the client where rounding errors come into play !

id locked quake live to 125 for a reason:]
200 fps used to rock.. If you ever wonder why someone seems to have no spread it's prolly cuz of cvar unlocker :D
naja... im et isch de recoil und de spread vode waffe sowieso mega "schlecht" im gegesatz zude hütige games wie bf2 oder schusch all die neue games wo (fast) real sind + bullet drop usw
trotzdem stellt das in long range fights e massive vorteil dar, und au sunscht hani nüt drgege, mini 1. bullet immer in e HEAD z versänke ;D
almost 0, no.
it skips every second spread increase so quite noticiable anyway
so 50% smaller "crosshair movement spread" what ever it will feel like in reality.. dunno
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