Internet roxxxxx

Need some nice Single player games to play. Cant be too old but cant be too new because my CPU wont handle it.

For those who dont know the meaning of too new, then in COD4 I get with that yithu cfg ( very very low detail cfg) around 30 FPS. :D:D

image: candice-swanepoel-4

Just for you. :):)
just cause 2
Tiger Woods Pga tour 2007 or PES 7-8
prince of persia, max payne two of the bests game ever created
prince of persia is ok if you played a first 3 but the prince of persia on the 360 is just plain bad
the 2009 one?
anyways i though all 4 were truly incredibly amazing, 2009 was weird at start and didn't like it, but once i got the hang of it it just amazing
the new pop i cant wait to play
no the 2008 one
i dont rly liked it that much
its fun at the start and stuff but evrything i liked about the 1st 3 are gone in that game
like the combat is only 1v1 and its not fun at all i mean the fighting are just quick time events the only thing you do it collect orbs to open stuff
ye the 2008 one, i hated the collecting orbs, but after a while it was srsly awesome
anyways the new one forgotten sand or something is the same as the first 3
i sure do hope so :)
Just started playing Dark Messiah of might and magic.. its nice :)
she wont get out of my head now :(
Stalker, ubersoldier, Assassin's Creed and many others... try to use google and there type: games !
Sure, Like stalker or Assassin's creed will work on my cpu. Give me a break
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