Goldorak nice cb admin :)

Nice forcing our offi to a date that we cant play on. then go afk for 3 days come back and say we got to play today when only 1 of our players rly can play. so hard tells me we gotta play today im like hm ye ok, but i have to play at first place if so.. guess what he gives team vixit forfeit win cause im to slow to get this computers guids?

team vixit also all the time try to find ways for them to get a forfeit win, whats up afraid to play the game? weak potugese cunts get the fuck away from the internet'

yes i mad
oooooooooooh youre mad?
mexico lost, weer zo'n gay goedkope scheids die niet weet wat buitenspel is.

why u mad tho?
fack him
where is killerboy when we need him
Goldorak is a retard is that something new?
asked 2 cb admins for demos of my opponents who were obviously cheating some weeks ago, they didnt even bother to answer :))
ET = a Austriajok3
not ET :D cmon ... XD

maybe KB is to bizi with speccing and doing other wars XDDD
kb is the most biased admin anyways..srsly, more than busting is too much responsibility for him
goldorak is nice to me
Goldorak goooooooooooo
wahahahahaha loooool :D
Happened the same for me (in 2009)
u probably had ages to plan the match but you were too lazy
im sure there are other admins that can help you
im sure you should ve went to talk to your opponent about a reschedule
im sure this is crossfire and not clanbase
i came back from 2 weeks holiday 2 days ago m8
then its your fault going on a holiday during a cup, dont whine when its your fault
like its my fault? :D isnt his fault when he as a ADMIN went on holidays for 3 days where we couldnt reach him for those 3 days? shouldnt he compensate from his idle to get our stuff together?
There are other admins dude and an admin cant keep in mind everybody's holiday
Like we didnt try to contact other admins? and if an admin cant keep others holidays in mind how the hell can we do so to him, we didnt even know he was on holiday? Dont take the job as an admin if u cant be available like an admin should.
laissez papa goldorak tranquil !
Goldorak is the best admin in CB Crew
we had kinda same, had to play semifinal OC with backup playas and lost.....forced stuff sucks
It's the best "mad conversation" journal I've ever seen!
"U mad?! - He mad! - But why?! - Don't know but he is!"
He's an idiot. Enemy was 45 minutes late, they finally show up on the server where the five of us had waited for the whole time and tell us "LOL GOLDORAK GAVE FORFEIT"

all cb admins are some kind of retards?

gimme some news and say that cb has got only 1 good admin and tell me what u like about him :D

then i would be surprised..
true fact, true fact:D
GoldoraK is one of the most correct and most human cb admins, just be nice to him and he will be nice to you. Don't know the reason why he forced the offi, but I am sure he had his reasons. He got strict
restrictions in what he is doing so do you really think he would do anything completely wrong?
No replys pls.
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