best song ever..

this guy is amazing, nothing else to say
Don't like this voice at all ;/

It's good though.
boyzband ?
yep indeedngreat song..especially the girls voice is nice

e:omg not :X i thought it would be the original
fuck off with that shit
I know other version, with Eminem, and I love it <3 ; )
ok good joke, but where is the best song now?
Shut The Fick du häßliches Stück Scheiße, hätte Hitler sich geschämt haben, dass ein dummer Trottel wie dich selbst geboren wurde und aufgewachsen in Deutschland
wtf, extreme neofacism on the rise :o
this sucks
it would've sound better if that guy wouldn't be so "tanned"
I saw that one on TV the other night but fell asleep like two seconds later. Thanks mate!
Got bored when the black guy started singing. Don't see what's good about this song? :/x is the best B.o.B for me ;) with nothing on you
What a gay voice... The other one is better.
no niggers plz. Stupid lazy monkeys
nice 10yo girly music taste... srsly could vomit by hearing this shit
Nice song :).
pretty gay actually.
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