Di Maria -> real madrid

Official. Another talented player with a huge potential is about to get destroyed by real, just like all of thier 'star' transfers (beckham, Owen, benzema, van der vaart, robben, snijder etc...)
shame, he could have s nice carrier
Nice carrier yes yes
van der vaart has numerous offers from england (liverpool for example), robben has been in the CL-final / cup winner and rolled the bundesliga heavily. sneijder achieved the treble. REAL SO DESTROYED THEM YERRRR!!!!!

image: syl2tg_th
not under the wing of mourinho
I more meant to the fact they played shit and nothing compared to thier skills, and suddentky the bloom in other teams...
Real only brought them down, not letting them play etc
happy for him, let see how he does it!

and i cant fucking believe that River Plate didnt pay 5 millons for him while he was in Rosario Central, he was one of the best new player with great future.. and now he is playing in Real Madrid!
thank the almighty lord,the last president left the club 8 months ago..

image: dimaria
i dont get it? :X
it's a north korean coach he's giving instructions in the last minute of overtime second half eventhough they are 3-0 behind.

eboue is listening in on the instructions even though he cant understand anything of what being said and nods approvingly
Sneijder doesn't belong in that list quite yet, I'd call being part of an FA champion side at least partially successful.
I more meant to the fact they played shit and nothing compared to thier skills, and suddentky the bloom in other teams...
What do you mean with, Sneijder does not belong to that list?
I misunderstood what he was getting at obviously.
He is really good, but he is playing rather poorly this wc; than I was expecting anyway
gtfo Barca fan
i have nothing to do with barcelona
haha, you think only barcelona fans say that?
whole world sees what real do and laughs from that :D
hope vdv will leave after wc
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