Mashed vs Kilimanjaro

Sorry it's been a while, but University lectures and exams have been long and i'm working full time waitering, for those who aren't aware I will be climbing MOUNT KILIMANJARO this September in aid of Childreach International to help end poverty for the children of africa!

I was given a target of £2300.00 to raise in order to tame nature and i'm almost there! Now I come to you beloved ones to implore you for any donation no matter how small to the cause to help African children suffering! I'm paying for all my travel expenses so all of the money donated will go straight to the charity! To donate please go to:

My fundraising page

England couldn't go all the way in the World Cup though i'll be flying the flag for us at the top! Let's stop poverty while making it 2-0 vs nature.

Thanks for your time, as you can see it's getting desparate!
Much love x

EDIT: on a side note i'm also looking for a radio stream to shoutcast on for tonight, msg me if poss, thanks :)
still makes it 4-3
+111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 :DDDDD
wow looks like you really care about children in Africa
yea, let them die!
Mashed also back? :p
hf mate
without africa you wouldn't have a PC
the last peak of kilimanjaro is difficult, i hope u are in shape.
wow, good luck :o
They need money but we give them in a bad way.
her titties going to plop out
you really are a fanboi
nice nipply btw
1st thing i post about her :~>

saw a wanker posting a journal of her few days ago, just wanted 2 share
oooh i thought it was you who did that

because she has the same cloths and that gay with his pants next to her :)
Quote50 years of donating, not a single thing has changed. It has only increased poverty problem, increased corruption and made them totally dependent by big industrialized countrys.

Did you ask yourself how did that happened?, aren't we who stole Africa? lets give them their 777 trillion dollar back, and maybe they wouldn't be in hunger.
Now where the hell did you hear that o0?
Niggers should die imo

Nico to hear something from u though Mashediboy
Don't have anything to donate right now but a "Good luck" :{ Doing a bunch of peaks (only UK based) myself at the mo and trying to fund those too!

Quite a few of my mates have been up there climbing/hiking and looks pretty cool. How long do you plan on doing the route for? At least you'll be missing the rain season, but will be busy on your journey (depending on your route) :)))
It's part of a group so they do it to the top and back down in 8 days to allow people to climatise, taking a fairly difficult route, I say that but it has one of the highest success rates.

Unfortunately I don't have time to do any peaks beforehand, working full time, although i've taken a look at some blood thinning stuff to help with altitude sickness - which is something you cannot train for anyway, complete lottery with it.
how did you prepare physically?
I have stupidly high blood pressure (from genetics) so I do a lot of running, atm i'm cycling 20 miles 5 days a week to/from work and i'm doing a minimum of 4 15km runs a week.
Altitude sickness is something you cannot train for, it's a lottery.
it will help to get that extra red blood cells :D
I think i saw on discovery channel people climbing the kilimanjaro and it was very hard.
so gL!
Jesus dude, that's alot of cycling.

I go for a small cycle once a week these days with a few friends, and don't even do 20KM then :<
Nallen linjoilla (y)
so fucking true!
gl dude hope it all works out!
Wanted to donate 5£ but apparently it's only credit card donations, not paypal. So no can do :<

Good luck though :-)
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