kamz out of EC :o

fucking epic ending!

Quote by Kamz on 31/05/10
You're right. We want to play Epsilon but we shouldn't have to play them yet, since we have won all our matches and not lost one round. Bronze would have been more than a possibility for us if it wasn't for this forfeit.. We would need to have beat Sleeperz/FiF and rockit/bF, which we could do. But instead we have to play Epsilon straight away and then end up getting idle or Epsilon in the loser bracket or something so we'll probably end up 9th or something :_D

you pretty much knew it even though you didnt have to play against idle ^^

ESL still left kamz m8 :P
Congratulation :D Kamz lower than #Evottajat it seems heh
Nice try :D Can't always win :D Even against lowbobs :D Nice fail
kamz is better than 99% of this community but he finishes as 9th, he must be in a bad team...
next year will be kamz's
hahahaha, funniez -,-
You have € 30000 on colt45
You lost
You have € 10 on de SL
You won € 84.4
kamz noob :D this was obviously not UK's week at all :PPPpPPPPp bashed twice by the yermans

well done sl
next year will be kamz's
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