still random restarts

So i am still having random restarts whatever i am doing, it's still doing random restarts.

Im sure it's not overheating, because i once checked the system temperature when it almost restarted 5 mins after it (it was 45C and that is not too much or is it).

It's not a virus since i've ran 2 virus scans (AVG and anti-malware).

And Event viewer system log shows absolutely nothing!

And i pretty much cleaned the dust and shizzle up today inside the computer.

what the fuck?
run prime95 (google) and check temps
45°c @ idle is quite high
not idle, playing a game + some youtube shit running and all.
run prime95 and check temps
takes the shit out of your system ;P
how long will it last? 4hrs ?
~5 minutes should be enough ;P
well my computer restarted again, while the test was running, twice.... is it supposed to... or did something fuck up again...

I just stopped the workers because the restars were happening too often..

Event viewer : The Prime95 Service service terminated unexpectedly.
Ermm, have >50°C in idle most of the time, and ~60°C in stress. It's not high, it's normal.
36 idle
~52 on stress :<
Depends on many things, such as your cooling, your case and most importantly, what processor you have. I personally have AMD Phenom II quadcore which perhaps is a tad hotter than for example some Intel processors, but my cooling isn't exactly awesome either.
what the fuck?
check ram
check your PSU fan
45C is np under load lol, drivers cause crashes often
Stop pressing restart button then :)
Post your system specs, bit hard to say if 45 is a high idle if we dont no what cpu you have, and 5 minutes is a huge amount of time for temps to change they can drop from 90 to 40 in 2 or 3 seconds use coretemp.exe for an accurate reading.

if all thats fine, check your graphics card,

Download gpu-z and check your graphics card temps too.

If thats all good, download memtest burn it to a cd and run it, it will run before windows starts and check your ram for errors.

try that if you think it is a hardware problem and not a windows prob.
windows xp service pack 3
Intel core 2 duo CPU e6850 @3.00GHz

1,00 GB of RAM

512 MB videocard

is that enough ?
Your processor is overclocked? I'd say its become unstable, try setting default settings in bios
And how am i supposed to do that ?

Why do you think it's overclocked?

Oh and GPU temp is 51 while im here, on crossfire, no games running and shizzle
Sul pole ju klokatud.
ok forget about the overclock stuff

I'd run memtest now..

Download here :

burn it as a bootable iso and run it, it will run a full check on your ram for errors.

If prime95 is causing you to crash it's a definite hardware problem you just gotta find out what it is.
stumbled across another problem, when i try to boot from CD, the message just aint there, so i have no clue what button to press because the message just aint there when i restart....

Google doesn't seem to help at this point either...
Are you trying to boot with memtest or with something else?

Try entering your bios and changing the boot priority to CDROM instead of hard drive.

Also what was your temp of your cpu when you crashed using prime95 did you check? If you didn't run it again with coretemp.exe running in the background also.
Just opened prime95 with coretemp and i nearly crashed the second i clicked on prime95 so yeah...

Yes i am trying to boot with memtest even changed the bios to 1st boot from cd... nothing workin tho and i still can't see the boot from cd sentence anywhere when booting...
ok are you sure you made the cd a bootable cd? Use cdburnerXP and it lets you select "bootable iso"
i just burned it to cd with dvdvideosoft free studio :S does it matter ?
It doesn't matter as long as you are burning it as a Bootable iso, burning it normally will result in windows not being able to boot from it think thats whats happening now

Try it with Cdburnerxp it's free:
pass, no errors.
ok it's more than likely an overheating issue or possibly power supply, you might need to re-apply thermal paste to your processor, have you done this before? It's fairly easy there's how to videos on youtube, and the paste itself is cheap try get something from Arctic costs about 5 euro.

Thats the cheaper option, if it's your power supply it will cost you a lot more for a new one, so best to try new paste first, What brand is your powersupply?
Codegen 400W
because it's a no name brand power supply i'd say it's your power supply, cheap power supplys degrade over time and become less efficient, it's more than likely your problem.

Have you got another power supply you could try?
no, not really, since you said it might be an overheating i just opened the left side of the PC box or whatever to help it out.... hasn't restarted since atm.
ah change your paste then it will make a huge difference, your supposed to change it at least once a year or so
51C with just Firefox (or something similar) hmm : /
Mul 33 hehe
Dr Ger in da house y0
Mine goes over 80C kthx

Probably fucked up Windows, could try reformatting and re-installing Windows. Or check your RAM with memtest.
had similar thing, with hot weather and general length of time since getting a PC your CPU heat sink adhesive will pretty much disintegrate.

you can test the problem online with some temp programs, your system temp counts for nothing - its about your CPU.

One I used before:

when it hits 100C your system will automatically turn off without any blue screen or anything - sometimes when you restart during start up it will again just shutoff as your CPU hasn't completely dispersed the heat.

I would not let this happen too much as this can damage your CPU (the shutdown is to prevent that, of course) just go to your local PC store or order online some Thermal Compound at most this should cost you 5euros and you could easily get it for around 3 :

this transfers the heat from the CPU to your heat sink to keep it cool, may also be worth checking the fan on the heat sink is not too dusty, etc. system dust can cause fps problems but I doubt it would make your CPU overheat.
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