i'm mature!!11!

1,5 month after my boring journals i wrote about matura exams I get results!

Pol language primary lvl - 88%
Math primary lvl - 100% advanced lvl - 80%
english primary lvl 100% advanced lvl - 86%
bio primary lvl - 80%

Quoteenglish primary lvl 100% advenced lvl - 86%


image: 126956093891
was about to post that. roflo
thats why i got 86 :<
86% of that word is correct
this was supposed to be his moment of glory xDD
no wonder why only 86 in advenced. gj tho 8D
bigas nerd scored higher in english then his home language D
good job :>
ladnie, brawo
must be easy at poland

i got:

physic 2/15
math 7/15
chemistry 2/15
geography 10/15
english 8/15

but was fuckn difficult
maybe hes just smarter then u ....
you wouldnt pass advanced level:)
i already passed highest level at germany and that is much harder than the polish stuff ( tho could be that he is smarter than me... )

i dont say he is stupid but you cant compare polish highschool with german abitur
tell me pls. why is that? Oh you certainly passed Polish "matura" exams, silly me how could I forgot that.
Because of your answer i guess im probably totally wrong with my opinion, BUT from my experience i cant really understand how polish people can be that smart. I mean everytime someone from poland is talking with me, then his english is just UBERBAD.

i wrote this comments because of my own experience and opinion with/about polish people. I couldnt understand why polish schools are on the same level as german schools, because i have heard that german students have really good chances to get spots at international universities ( prefered )
Well about your first part. No wonder cause most of the Poles doesn't speak decent english BUT hey it's mostly about teenagers, kids and so on. It's up to you if you want to speak it fluently or not, you are learning it hard or just learn to pass to the next class. As I said it is caused by our mentallity(?) but on the other hand my 10 yo sister speaks english better than half of my schoolmates:)

And about the second part, it s mostly because you are richer and so on. Basically we don't have that much money to afford studying at international universities. Hope you'll get my point:)
kumpel jedzie do lyon na pol roku przez erasmus, a stypendium nie wystarczy na akademik :D mowa o UW :)
No mowie, ze cwaniakuja przyjaciele z niemiec, a po prostu pieniedzy maja wiecej. Tak, samo syn mojej nauczycielki od angielskiego studiuje w Szwajcarii, ma stypendia (tak, 2) a musi pracowac jeszcze jako kelner + matka przelewa mu co miesiac jakies pieniadze.
i wrote this comments because of my own experience and opinion with/about polish people. I couldnt understand why polish schools are on the same level as german schools, because i have heard that german students have really good chances to get spots at international universities ( prefered )

OH YOU 8D. just no.
primary lvl is shit coz it's for every student but i think advanced exams have ~the same lvl in every EU countries.

polaks working in germany arent representative group of polish intelligence ;)
no they dont, lol
Its well known that eastern&scandinavian schools got higher level than western
lol really ?

then you must have like 5 % ultraintelligent and 95% stupid inhabitants
and you put germany to western europe? :)
german soldiers didnt know the term "Central Europe" during WWII, doubt it have changed...
scandinavian for sure and no doubt but eastern europe? not quite sure about that :o
i've read it some time ago... students from whole europe got tested and the results said eastern europeans got much more theory knowledge than western europe students...
western europe students having less theory knowledge is the design/feature.
2/15 and 7/15 means you failed? :)

its a bit hard to explain. in the german abitur you have some basic rules.

physic = p1
math = p2
chemistry = p3
geography = p4
english = p5 ( oral )

p1, p2 and p3 are much harder than the other lessons, p4 is just basic stuff, but i have to write an exam there.

5-15 points = passed exam
0-4 points = didnt pass exam

im not allowed to have 0 points in any final exam (p1-p5)
im not allowed to have twice under 5 points in p1+p2 OR p3-p5
i have to have more than 25 points in all 5 exams

-> i have 2 points in p1 and 7 in p2. that means that i maybe didnt pass p1 but its okay, because i passed p2.
-> i have 2 points in p3 but i have 10 and 8 in p4+p5 and that means that i passed aswell.

+ i have more than 25 points and didnt write any 0 points

-> passed everything

i know that i rly sucked at my exams, but abitur is abitur. i passed the highschool in germany and im happy about it. i could have had much easier lessons like german, politics or whatever...but ive chosen the hardest..(dnno why :x)


0 points = 6
1= 5-

1+ = good; 6 = bad
we dont have this tbh
thank you for your time explaining it. interesting system, although it is a bit complicated (:D).

ok you passed it, but will that score let you get to some nice uni (if that's your plan ofc)?
wont be easy but at least i have the possibility to study !

maybe i have to wait 1 year, but then i can study without probs :]
i also think this makes it quite hard to compare abiturients (in poland bacaloria results are the determinant in regard of qualification to uni - there are no pre-uni tests).

"maybe i have to wait 1 year, but then i can study without probs :]"
why? :)
german system gives everyone with "abitur" the chance to study. the better your marks are, the better is your chance to start studying. but if you wait some time, your chances are growing aswell. that means if i wait 1 year, then i have good chances to get accepted by a university aswell. :]
Ok, but what is the point of that? Can't see the logic of this :D. How is waiting a year making you better with your grades? I thought if one waited a year, one's knowledge would be stale/overdue? :)

Bacaloria in Poland is valid for two years, after that you have to write it again to get to uni.
oh thats hard.

nah in germany everyone with abitur is allowed to study. and to make it fair, the university gve you something like extrapoints if you wait a year.

its hard to explain:

at every university there are just limited spots for everyone who wants to study something
for example :if there are 50 people who want to study something but there are only 30 spots availble then the best 30 people get the unispot and the others cant study at this university. but there are often people who are sending applications to many university. so there are prolly like 5 people from this 30 who were already accepted, who dont want to study at this university anymore. so there are 5 free spots. this 5 free spot will be used for the people who are waiting some months/years already.

so if you are waiting 10 years for your spot but couldnt get accepted yet, becuase ur marks are too bad, then you get waitingpoints. and if there are for example 5 spots still free (like in my example) then the people with the most waitingpoints, get the last spot

so if im waiting some time, then ill get my spot ;) and since there arnt soooooo many people who want to study the same as i want, ill get my spot for sure after 1 year :P
Ah I get it now! Very nice system. In Poland it's different regarding these spots that are left free because a candidate went somewhere else. So if there is someone who doesn't confirm that he still wants to study here, the spot goes to the next candidate (31st, 32nd, etc). So you would have to apply again after a year in your situation and you would have to compete with a next year abiturients. That means you would have to hope that next year's bacaloria exams are harder and abiturients get worse scores so you stand any chance to get the spot. Or you would have to write bacaloria again to get better scores :D
alter falter was sind denn das für drecksnoten? :D
was fürn schnitt hast du jetzt?
3,1 :(

hab voll den schei gewählt damals...in der 10. und 11. war ich noch voll gut in physik und chemie...und dann auf einmal totalabsturz.

mit schwerpunkten wie politik, geschichte etc ( laberfächer ) hätte ich nen schnitt mit 2,5 oder besser...

außerdem wurden mir meine besten fächer gestrichen ( sport, etc... -> 5 mal zweistellige noten; zum teil 13, und 14 punkte !!!)..daher ist der schnitt so schlecht. normalerweise sind alle meine fächer zwischen 8 und 10 punkte...nur halt physik und chemie sind schlecht und okay bei abi hatte ich pech mit englisch, da ich eine sau schwere prüfung mit sau strengen englischlehrern hatte. hab zwar 8 punkte bekommen in eng mündlich aber hatte somit die beste note ausm jahrgang !!. die anderen hatten alle 3 und 4 punkte zum vergleich..

unterm strich viel pech im abi gehabt wobei auch etwas faulheit dazugehört - wie immer. jedoch abi ist abi und nur wichtig bei der unibewerbung :P
wird jetzt allerdings schwer irgendwas nicht ingeneursmäßiges zu studieren -.-
mit 3,1 hast du sehr wenig auswahl und 1 jahr warten verbessert deine chancen maximal um 5%
ich möchte ja kein ingenieurswesen (mehr) studieren sondern in eine ganz andere richtung:

sportwissenschaften mit schwerpunkt marketing oder sportmanagement

das ist genau mein ding. ich bin ziemlich gut in englisch, sport und mathematik. außerdem verfüge ich über kreativität (-> kennst mich ja als photoshopper/painter/moviemaker?),ich kann auch führungspositionen annehmen, da ich auch im jahrgang oft sehr viele sachen organisiert und geleitet habe (war auch klassensprecher zb), ich habe 0 probleme etwas vorzustellen oder vor einer menschenmenge zu stehen/reden, ich bin sehr offen und kann auf menschen zugehen, ich kann gut mit menschen reden oder auch verhandeln ( türke halt ) und habe auch solche sachen schon teilweise bei et gemacht .-> als manager für größere teams(n!faculty, re-play, mouK, highbot.....etc.etc.ect), zb sponsoren angeschrieben, teams aus anderen spielen angeschrieben/rekrutiert, sachen organisiert etc etc etc....kommt mir alles also zu gute :D unddas wichtigste:

ich habe mega spaß bei solchen sachen :P also denke ich, dass es das richtige für mich ist sowas zu studieren. ich denke, dass vllt mein nc nicht gut ist, aber wenn die mich zu nem vorstellungsgespräch einladen (gibts an vielen unis !!) dann habe ich bestimmt gute chancen, weil auch überzeugungskraft eines meiner talente ist :D
ja is ja schön ung gut :D
aber hast ma geguckt wie der nc ist?
ja und zu den vorstellungsgesprächen werden viele eingeladen, aber die meisten fallen aufgrund ihres nc´s direkt raus -.-
ich wünsch dir aufjedenfall viel glück, aber leicht wird es aufjedenfall nicht

ich hab ja gesagt dass du wohl nur in die ingeneursfächer reinkommst, weil die keiner machen will und der nc deswegen so schlecht ist.

manager bei re-play? re-play.net?
ja bei re-play.net damals.

und ja der nc ist bei ca 2,2-2,7 immer gewesen :(
naja iwie klappts schon :P ich überzeuge die schon mit ner tollen bewerbung ! :D
haha war da noch raZor dein chef?
mehr oder weniger. er war seeeeehr inaktiv.

nos war eher mein chef. war da nur das letzte jahr von re-play.
turks arent meant to be teached

dirty works can be done with 5 grade level
rly nice, gratz.
is that all u had to do :P?
I had 8 classes
ej wogole co bylo na maturze z angielskiego roz?

pamietam ze jak zdawalem to byly same banaly
zrobic relacje z lana w czechach i wywiad z absolwentem h3h3
Kubus Ty lepiej klanu szukaj :PPPPPpppp
no wieczorkiem cos przyspamuje, a jak nie to chuj, cos sie znajdzie w koncu :PPPPPPPppppp
w sumie sam nie pamietam. chyba napisac rozprawke na temat hostowania wielkich imprez sportowych z punktu widzenia jakiegos panstwa i jego mieszkancow lub jakas bajke czy cos napisac :x
czyli banal jak zawsze :D
no troche czesc leksykalna byla pokrecona ale nie byla jakos mega trudna. no i jak zwykle pytania do tekstu brzmialy w stylu "czy nie prawda jest ze czlowiek ktorego nie spotkal glowny komendant policji uciekal, ale nie przed policjantem tylko przed psem udajacym slonia?"
ale ogolnie to nic nie do ogarniecia
rly nice, gratz
nerd :o, gratz tho
:DDD z matmy i polaka to mam w sumie polowe z tego co ty, tylko ze bez rozszerzenia :P
ang podobnie i wos 57%
nice fake :DDDD
jezeli masz tyle na prawde to szacuneczek :)
nie zebym cos mial do bachoa, ale czemu szacuneczek?

podstawki sa tak latwe ze ja pierdole i jeszcze troche, angielski rozserzny za trudny tez nie jest... matma to bylby juz problem, ale musial byc do niej przygotowany skoro wybral rozszerzenie
no na pewno do gownianej szkoly go nie wezma z taka punktacja;)
na studia sie nie idzie zeby sie uczyc :]
w tym roku kazdy sie na studia dostaje : D
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