30 Jun 2010, 16:06
If anyone is playing the Medal of Honor BETA, add me as a buddy: Ironisch
The game is pretty decent, it has class/gunsupgrades and some other features that CoD has aswell, but the gameplay is pretty different and you cant wallbang(:D!).
Its pretty nice to play, if you want some other shooter besides ET or CoD :)
No Backstreet Boys this time :)
The game is pretty decent, it has class/gunsupgrades and some other features that CoD has aswell, but the gameplay is pretty different and you cant wallbang(:D!).
Its pretty nice to play, if you want some other shooter besides ET or CoD :)
No Backstreet Boys this time :)
btw i doubt it
oh 1 more, how much space does it take?:D cuz if it not too much, then i'll just try it as soon as i figure it how can i get a beta key :) :D
hate it when they make you beg and f5 for keys, fuck m.
ik heb ook key voor dees, ik vind deze beter(minder fps lag :/)
alleen heb geen zin om ook voor dit spel maar eindeloos te f5'en.. :(
ik moet t namelijk nog ff installeren en shit:p
Add me, feel priveleged.