What are u doing now?
30 Jun 2010, 16:28
Whazzup i just back from hospital with my smashed finger.
Talking old women through what a web browser is
gonna puke in a few minutes cuz my mom is going to force me to try her fish dish
responding to this journal
Got aids in the fingah?
No i jumped on a rake like in jackass
Got a cold finger on two fractured compresses =(
eating, watching Rescue Me <3
dutch flag plzzzzzzzzzz
You just mad cuz they stylin on you!!
well not yet
enjoy the hope :D
how many times have you been right?! we got it in the pocket noaw
gl ":D"
just made a funny facebook status-update and now waiting for a little while to get ":D" -comments from real girls through the real internet
was it in finish?
yes, dont see the point talking english there since I dont have any foreigners added : )
else i would have given you a ":D" too make it even miore attractive to RL-women :D
hehe link :P i'll give you a ":D"
tämä facebook-päivitys kertoo siitä, kuinka paljon olen tällä viikolla tehnyt töitä ja urheillut ja kuinka paikkani ovat suorastaan kipeinä tästä kaikesta! Se saa sinut luulemaan, että olen ns. kunnollinen ihminen ja elämäni on täynnä kaikkea urheilullista, sosiaalista ja hienoa.
pic or never happend
got awesome skin burns and maybe some cancer after an entire day at the beach.
just came back from the beach, I am fucking red :|