Does USA Have Its Star?

America likes football now, here's some stats to prove:

- The USA/Ghana match was the most watched football match in US history with 19.4 million viewers, beating the Italy/Brazil 1994 World Cup Final that was held in the USA, which had 18.1 million viewers (source: Neilsen).

- By comparison, last year's Major League Baseball World Series averaged 19.4 million viewers (source: Neilsen).

- Viewership from the first 5 World Cup games is up 108% from 2006

Aside from the facts, the atmosphere here was absolutely incredible from Friday night on into Saturday. I live in a busy bar district and my block was as busy at 11:00 AM on Saturday as it is on the busiest Saturday evening. American displays of patriotism are looked down upon by intellectual elitists worldwide, and sport is a rare exception since you are more "cheering for the home team" than actually being proud to be American. This is an anomaly which doesn't occur with any other country, but that made this World Cup all that more special. I think this video, which you may have seen already, explains it best:

America has also long needed a superstar that will play on an American side in order for football to really gain ground here. I believe we have found that in Landon Donovan, who not only had two of the most electric goals in this year's World Cup but is also committed to promoting the game in the US. He may not be a top 20 player worldwide, but he's by far the best footballer America has produced (with respect to Brian McBride). Although he will most likely be out on loan again come August, he is already practicing with the Los Angeles Galaxy and is supposed to play against the Seattle Sound on Sunday. I'm eagerly awaiting the TV ratings.
They only watch their own national team
and those rednecks just enjoy those Hollywood escapes, making a goal in the last minutes.
Looks like they just copied the numbers from that Baseball game! :P
USA had a few promosing players imo, not just Donovan
Just altidore and beasley imo
bocanegra, edu, bradley, james

its a great team, theyre just missing something
it's soccer ffs
its != it's?
he's american, guess he's bound not to know that
Wrong lol that was a mistake. I very, very rarely make them with grammar or spelling, I'm an English student at uni, got perfect marks on the grammar portion of my entrance exam ;D
nice nice, but when I see an american I gotta tease him, I'm compelled to do so
it happen's, nobodys perfect


fucking idiot : DDDDD
Any related news about his banging-insident?
what got banged?
Still Howard was the best player of USA
You are under the impression us euro's actually care whether Americans like/enjoy OUR sport... I can honestly tell you most of us aren't.
I find it interesting enough to read a few lines from across the pond about it actually. It's not that I go "Yay, they respect our favourite pastime now" but it's kinda nice to hear anyway. Also, let number1dad be a hobby sportsreporter, cut him some slack.
He wished me to die. No slack for him.
I did not know that.
I know he's not your friend, but I actually do care :P
Just like I cared when football grew bigger in Asia.
Why? What is in there for us?
Bigger player poule, more sponsership etc. And besides I don't need to gain from it to care about it :D
I've not seen anything good coming from the other leagues becoming bigger. The Dutch league has been declining skillwise for years now. If the American league would become bigger I don't see how thats a good thing for us because that would there is gonna be another big league where they can steal our players from.

I'm afraid we'll end up with a semi-prof league.
You guys never had to rely on foreign players as much as most other countries though, perhaps the youth training is failing? Anyways, I don't see how this could be bad for international football.
Bad because some people just don't like Americans :D
We still own you at not being liked.
Difference is players like V/d Wiel will leave Ajax before he turns 24/25... The huge talents play at Chelsea/Arsenal. All our big players leave our league at a fairly young age and most of them won't come back until they're in their thirties..
As long as UEFA Champions League remains the biggest club competition in the world, dutchies have nothing to fear. And I don't see that EVER changing.
Money makes the world go round. I'm pretty sure if enough money gets invested the MSL will go big. Also the Dutchies already have enough to fear from other leagues... You must've noticed the skill decline in your league too, no?
The MSL will get big yes, but without an international club competition not many players will go there in their prime. Only those who play primarly for money, but most good Europeans value good competition (Champions League) equally high.

Belgian competition has always been relatively weak, with an extreme low between 2003-2008. But ever since the past few seasons I have the feeling it's going slightly better. Thanks to Standard and Anderlecht, with good performances in Europe and some quality youth players.
I'm under the impression that you're a gigantic troll actually.
I'm under the impression you have a chromosome too many.
"American displays of patriotism are looked down upon by intellectual elitists worldwide, and sport is a rare exception since you are more "cheering for the home team" than actually being proud to be American. This is an anomaly which doesn't occur with any other country."

People in Germany saying to be proud Germans are awkwardly looked at in Germany by other Germans. And patriotic Americans are not only frowned upon by elitists.
Oh yeah I know it's not just intellectual elitists, actually the only people that are allowed to be patriotic without hesitation are Barack and Michelle Obama. Otherwise, people think you're a white trash idiot. It's sad that you can't be proud of your country.
The situation here in Germany is similar or even worse to be honest.
You're probably right. I didn't even think about that. Believe me, it's the norm here to be ashamed of being American, which is sad because even with all our shortcomings I'm proud of what we are, no country is perfect.
I have my personal problem with national pride, this was not an objective comment. Don't get me wrong I too think I live in a great nation but I wouldn't dare say it's the greatest and the problem with American patriotism is that ever so often it comes along with ignorance (apparently you can exclude yourself from that list).
You shouldn't mix up patriotism and nationalism.
How did I describe nationalism?
Quotebut I wouldn't dare say it's the greatest

Quoteso often it comes along with ignorance

Maybe I've got you wrong with the first quote tho.
All I meant to say is that I acknowledge the qualities of living in Germany, but there are other, more livable countries.

And the second was about American patriots often being totally ignorant towards other lifestyles, not being connected to patriotism itself.
Alright, seems like I've missunderstood you entirely there. :p
Just came zurück from working on the Acker for elf hours, my Satzbau may be a little komisch here and da. Thou shalt be entschuldigt.
i've actually been seeing a lot more ppl playing soccer lately, etc.

was skating the other day and while a baseball game was going on, a buncha people who were bored started playin soccer on the basketball court. this is like the 4th time i've seen this happen since the world cup started. didnt see it happen at all last year or anything :P
requesting a ban for you.
Don't call it soccer, this site is european
Where the fuck does it say it's a European site?
Fuck, I'm busted.
yes very much yes much yes very

but dont worry hattivattim8, you live in Germany
dude even this is late THIS WAS FUCKIN OWNAGE :XDDDD
im an american speaking to another american on an american's journal.
Should say [USA] in the journal otherwise we talk English not American!
strong song: "U-S-A, U-S-A"

but it's a good thing that football is growing in america, nice :)
Amazing vid :-)

Hope football become some attention would be nice
USA all the way!
Nice :D gl with football
Benny Feilhaber will become better than Donovan, I hope :)
wow, amazing vid tbh
i've just read an article about usa become one of the strongest football/soccer countries of the world. as long as the latino part of the americans will grow (and will be become the main race in usa in ~ 50 years) football becomes more and more popular.
Quoteand will be become the main race in usa in ~ 50 years

I doubt it will take that long.
American displays of patriotism are looked down upon by intellectual elitists worldwide

Wtf are you talking about?
the world awaits?

sorry couldnt see it.. was watching some weird danceshow of a friend of my gf... while my m8s were waiting in the lobby to see the game..

life has its downsides:(
Nice video, I always like seeing that sort of videos.

One question though, was it happenstance the crowds were predominantly white or does the black population simply not care that much about football?
its just night, you cant see them
Football is considered (by black people) to be a white thing and a black person wouldn't be a football fan openly unless they or their parents were born in Africa. Most of it has to do with the fact that the majority of the black population live in dense urban areas where there are no football pitches. That's why basketball is so popular among black people, it's meant to be played on a hard surface, which is about your only choice in the inner cities of America. Another problem which is closely related is that almost all of America's best athletes train for either American football, baseball, or basketball because that's where all the money is at in America. Few of them realize the money and fame they would have playing overseas.
I see you've learned your lesson ;-p
1st - Northridge Jr. High School Spelling Bee 1997, 1998, 1999
I also won a free pizza for winning a drawing contest

fuck yeah!
glad american football is getting more attention and cant wait to see landon at Goodison again in January LOVE THAT MAN was there to see him play twice was amazin :D
Tim Howard + Landon Donovan, I think I might finally choose a side to support :D
haha i went a couple of times to watch last season we really love our yanks at everton but its hard to think of chants so it usually goes USA USA lmao but great team very successful in past hpefully start gaining momentum again soon and be back at the top. and thinkin of buying a season ticket :D
I like cheering for less popular sides anyways, it makes winning that much better :D We have too many Man. Utd. and Barcelona fans here already.
haha i live inbetween liverpool and manchester and didnt jump on the band wagon lol but so much more passion with everton every fan has a tattoo or something is unbelievable

Sorry, couldn't resist.

German Simpsons? What is this for nationalism? Are you a nazi or something?!??!
what a bad voice homer has :(
Donovan wasnt a star. just and average midfielder.

Edit. Made me really really lol."And the World's reaction was: "d:D:D:D:D

Like USA=World :D:D
They showed the reactions in South Africa etc., too...
South Africa, where US citizen are wtaching football in a pub. Same goes for That france part. Makes it hard to say what the world reaction was. I can say That I didnt care less
I meant star as in celebrity. He's the first legit US football celebrity, which will draw Americans to the game.
What the fuck you guys do when you win the WorldCup?
Interesting to see you writing about it, because few days ago I read a column (in Polish, sorry :>) about the need of a star in the US. The column featured statements such as: American team is a team of identical die-hard teamplayers, but it lacks someone who would do something uniquely, unconventional way, and that is what makes a football team win (a metaphorical example was when Dempsey decided to trick the Ghanian defender and that brought US a penalty few seconds later).

I remember Adu being promoted to such a star, but that failed, I guess.
Is really Donovan capable? Or should you rather wait for someone new? Next mundial perhaps?
I was more speaking from the standpoint that football needs an American face in America, and Landon Donovan provides that. This week, he's already been on our top late night talk show (Letterman) and today he was on our most popular morning talk show (Regis and Kelly), and the goal against Algeria was shown repetitively on all the major network news shows. He's a household name and somebody who is going to draw people to the game.
btw isn't it "Does USA Have Its Star?"
Yeah, it is. Idk if I can edit it or not.
I know Letterman :) Perhaps I'll catch the replay on Fox!

Well, aren't we speaking about the same thing (I also mean a star as a celebrity)? I guess I just can't speak English properly :S
Well when you talk about a sport star, sometimes you're talking just about their ability. Landon Donovan has that, but he also had those few moments where he dropped jaws around the world, which makes him a person kids want to have pictures of on their walls. Ability is one thing, being a star takes a special kind of person.
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