Template design

They wanted a blue theme and the rest was left to me. First draft - what do you think?

I didn't click that but cool story bro
i like
but dont use that paper effect three times
you could use needles for the two on the right side e.g.

image: 10277
They're called draw pins.
good idea
that green and grey gives me headaches and makes me puke
Really nice. Do you code?
nub thats a jpg
i love it
You should change the calendar -icon that tells the day, other than that, it is really good. And if want to be cocky, maybe a bit more contrast to the links on the blue background. Bigger size maybe?
top right offset is too wide.. feels like search, login and recently added should be floated entirely to the right.. that empty space on the right just doesnt look okay.. it also makes the entire page feel off center. :P

(Interactive Media Designer going on my 2nd year :P) but all in all you make a better page then the average of my classmates.. like the glow-ish effect(gradients) on the buttons.
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