Interview with you

How did your adventure with gaming began?
Why did you choose the nick YOURNAME?, Why did you choose your name to "x"..?
What made you start playing ET?
Can I have your config?
okkoo <3 soo boored :D
Get the fuck out o.O!
yesterday you told me bout the blue blue sky
and all that I can see
was just a lemon tree
How did your adventure with gaming began?

first game was jedi knight jedi academy , raped 1on1 esl ladder , semi raped 5on5 ladder with #aGu

Why did you choose the nick unframed?

iam not a fame wh0re so iam like changing my nick like twice a week

What made you start playing ET?

lost my motivation when aXiom , the dignitas of the JKJA scene died. Saw some Fragmovies from RaZiel and was like "hey looks fun and fast" *Center Of Aggression if iam right* durr hurr. a e-friend of mine told me that rtcw is dead and i should take a look at ET

Can I have your config?

Dureal was a beast
actually i liked zer0soul's style more , good times
Why did you choose the nick

Its my lastname for all nerds who think i fake s4rna
How did your adventure with gaming began? Started gaming cause I'm awesome.
Why did you choose the nick YOURNAME?, Why did you choose your name to "x"..? Because I'm awesome.
What made you start playing ET? Friends said I'm awesome and I should try it.
Can I have your config? No
How did your adventure with gaming began?
like millions of years before i started gaming with alien vs predator 1 :> played nights over nights at friends home and killed some aliens :p
Why did you choose the nick YOURNAME?, Why did you choose your name to "x"..?
i didnt chose razzah because of Raziel or Razz. i didnt even know them back that time..
i liked the letter "z" and i tried to invent some new i came to razzah... :D . btw my fiiiirst name was No_Chance :D

What made you start playing ET?
best friend of me showed me rtcw 5 years ago...then later he showed me ET. after 1,5 years et pub, i discovered et pro and krest showed me crossfire. yes blame kresti that im here !!
Can I have your config?
check out my profil. its 95% my real cfg. ps: this cfg got downloaded over 1500 times some years ago on ;)
How did your adventure with gaming began?

i slept with ya mother

Why did you choose the nick YOURNAME?, Why did you choose your name to "x"..?

i slept with ya mother

What made you start playing ET?

i slept with ya mother

Can I have your config?

super answers chris :D
How did your adventure with gaming began?
My game adventure started a reaaaaaaaally long time ago.. on a computer who only had black & green colours... playing a game where you had ladders nd had to avoid some beasts... then redcat, command & conquer nd stuff

my first online game was counterstrike i think..
Why did you choose the nick YOURNAME?, Why did you choose your name to "x"..?
When i tried to join my first halo 1 online match, my bro helped me with the settings. I needed a nickname so he just wrote 'yooooo gecko'.. from a movie with maffiaboss mr. gecko. When i started playing ET like 6 or 7 years ago i started with the name 'yogecko', which evolved to gecko and later to geck0z because i was playing with someone names 'nik0z which i thought was a really cool nickname!

What made you start playing ET?
I played counterstrike, nd my best friend played rtcw or ET. We were both talking about it to eachother alot when we went on the bike to school.. and when i was at his place he showed me the game nd i started to play it too.

Can I have your config?
Mine is really outdated
Redcats Razende Rekenrace! :D die speelde ik vroeger ook:D
zoals het hoort ;DD
cs met musck0 ?
nope.. speelde CS een paar maanden voordat ik ET ging spelen,.. leerde muscko pas op ET kennen
ik heb die stem zo weer in mijn hoofd :D
de retard
Ik mis hem ook ;'(
when i got my own pc i was like 12 or so. As i didnt have alot of money i started searching for some free games. After a while i found et.

As I was a very 'talented' snowboardkid I stopped playing ET as i was training for snowboarding competitions. Didnt play any games for about 2 years till i broke my leg at 2 places and wasnt able to snowboard like i used to anymore.

How i got my nick

Me and Ironic where having a discussion about retarded nicks and cool ones from players on ET. And we decided to both take a new nick( i was icarus before and he was Cheeze).

How i started ET?

Same as at first question :P

config: cba uploading atm pm me irc if u want :D:D
actually i do have my own config which i play officials etc with:D
in mixes I just like to see what other players play like :P (also if i spec someone on ettv i like to spec them with their config)
How did your adventure with gaming began?
my first online game were Empires of the modern World were i raped 1o1 Ladder :*)

Why did you choose the nick YOURNAME?, Why did you choose your name to "x"..?
my nickname "kReSt" means "Cross" people wear it if they are religious like "†" and this "Cross" is something from the Russian/greek religion (orthodox)

What made you start playing ET?
one m8 of me from "Empires of the modern World" said to me that there is a nice ego shooter game called Enemy Territory so i just tested it and liked it

Can I have your config?
katakana was awesome though!
damals hast du unheil über cf gebracht !
I hate vuvuzelas so much more now :/
How did your adventure with gaming began?
my dad bought one of those consoles that had 'pong' on it. was it even a console? pong was the only game you could play with it.... After that we got an atari thingy, later on a pc.

Why did you choose the nick YOURNAME?, Why did you choose your name to "x"..?
from the "the wohlstandskinder" a german (pop-)punk/ska band

What made you start playing ET?
there was some sort of review on TV

Can I have your config?
my first game was mortal kombat after that i played duke nukem, doom, quake and some more old games like hunter hunted and stuff
when et was released my brother was like yo this sick game we should play it and we did play it
i had many nicknames in the past but i chose this one cause me and my brother started playing and after a while we decided to make a `/ team his name was sil-`/ and since i didnt have a name that would fit that tag i decided to take fab cause my rl name is fabio and ever since then ive been using fab
now ive lost motivation to play and i cba to upload my config im sorry
Why did you choose the nick YOURNAME?, Why did you choose your name to "x"..?

I think dinosaurs are cool
xiNozor too.
How did your adventure with gaming began?

Quake 1 / doom 1 / wolf 3d (could only play when i was @ my uncle place

Why did you choose the nick YOURNAME?, Why did you choose your name to "x"..?

monkey? no fucking idea, had to stick with a name.

What made you start playing ET?

my brother dled this game and i found it nice

Can I have your config?

mon profile
We had a C64 when I was a child, used to play a lot with my friends back then, especially "the summer/winter games" :XD

I was a huge fan of "the masters of the universe" as a child. After I moved to Dortmund I started djing in a disco and had to pick a nickname for that. So I remembered how much I loved the "masters" when I was a child and picked Evil-Lyn ----> the nick Evilynn was born.

a mate ;p was playing on 2.55 on pubs all time and showed me. Then I started to play. I met people like Pansy and LipZZ aka `thezaakje. I think it was Pansy who showed me crossfire back then.

Sure - it's in my profile, but I stole it anyway from Spirea. ;p
california games!
- started pc games with AoE, AoE II. Then moved to ET cuz some friends played it.

- i've had some nicks:
- boketa: irl nick some family members give me
- outBreak: cool hardcore band
- ouT: short version of outBreak
- neVeah: a song from a band
- senn: taken from sennheiser, i thought it sounded great

- Et started on pubs with etmain with some friends (ev0ken'Xi, ev0ken'Niley,...).

- config's in my profile
Did anyone else discover ET through this naf tv show called 'gamesville'? :D

It was hosted by these two wnbcool black guys, one of which was awesome at gran turismo :D

They reviewed ET on it, my friend Fazz thought it looked cool, we tried it :)
His first name was Sco0f..
Just a fanboy.
Status: BANNED

Not that anyone cares, but ...

How did your adventure with gaming began?
I guess my first games were games of Mario (Super Mario, Mario Kart, some other really old games) on my Nintendo 64 and Pokémon on GameBoy advance. I also played FIFA ,and COD year after year for way too many hours.

Why did you choose the nick sAm?, Why did you choose your name to "x"..?
My first name was TeTtEnxD. (tetten means boobs) On a late night radio programme (Radio Contact) there was this guy named 'Moerbie' and people were able to call him. It was a really funny show, with lots and lots of idiots who made a fool of themselves. Anyway, on a particular moment, the presenter of the show said that the people who called him, had to say 'tetten' as soon as possible. That's why I chose that name some years ago. It has changed in my gaming career to sCienTia (that's latin for my last name 'Kennis') and since a year or something I have been playing with my first name sAm.

What made you start playing ET?
During my secondary school career, I went always with the well-known Belgian (tards) Jere and Gero. I think one of them told me they played this game 'Enemy Territory'. They convinced me to start playing it. Back then, I was even better than Jere. :)

Can I have your config?
I am a retard with configs, so I don't have one. I just use the basic options, with some adaptations in the 'options' of ET.
prachtig verhaal sam
How did your adventure with gaming began?
I think I started with Duck shooting

Why did you choose the nick Papa Boubi?, Why did you choose your name to "PmBb"?
Papa Bouba Diop is a football player, I once was watching football on the bbc and heard the name Papa Bouba Diop, but didnt know how to spell it so I just did Papa Boubi. Later I changed my name several times to MELK(which means milk, didnt knew about m1lk back then btw), Tobi and then Pombu which I changed into PmBb, later I changed my name to Kri when I started playing 2.55 and I changed my nick back to PmBb when I started playing 2.6b again. Im kinda of a nickwhore.

What made you start playing ET?
My cousins played it, they made my brother play it and then me. We had to switch every 30 minutes and were only allowed to play 1 hour a day in the beginning cuz we had a download limit of 250 mb per month.

Can I have your config?
You can but I am too lazy
choose sticker cuz I stick'd to my girlfriend for 5 whole days now
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