World idol

Check the polish judge. :DDDDDD

It proves those people are real retards, not only polish ET players. Even though they have some exceptions for sure. Not many, let's be honest.
haha, simon bashing polish judge :D
stop that polish hate,its pathetic
mr.purefrag has spoken! :-)
once in a year I come on purefrag and already I am mr.purefrag :D
Oh don't mind them, it seems just another example of following America at everything(just with a huge delay this time as all those "polish jokes" have a huge-ass beard in the US).
ah,its americanisation, then I am not surprised anymore..
Trolled hard by Kuba
polish people are retards idd

will young is cute tho:)
Trolled hard by Kuba
so you discovered polish people are moronic...

welcome to 1850
You still playing ET?
"i might have aswell hired a tortoise"

really harsh on the tortoise
what, sweedy back to et/crossfire?!
not the one I was thinking of, there was a swedish cheater called sweedy raging pub servers back in 2005 I think

funny coincidence you took a cheaters nick :p
lol british fag got owned
Trolled hard by Kuba.

/e: btw I've never heard a more faggity gay version of "Light My Fire" I mean wtf is that "Li-ha-ha-ha-ha-haight my fiah-ah-ah-ah".

He may be a fag, but he has an amazing voice. :)
Well some fags have amazing voices and still sing well, this guy ain't like this imo.
lol he made "light my fire" gay
Trolled hard by Kuba
so? i dont see what the polish judge did wrong
polish judge seems to be the only one who noticed that guys is a talentless fag
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