Any horror fans here?

Have you seen this movie yet?

"The girl next door" (2007)

QuoteIts been a really really long time since I seen a movie this intensely horrifying. This is the type of movie that starts off soft and ends at the climax, leaving viewers breathlessly shocked. I have never before seen children ages probably ranging between 8-13 commit the inhumane acts as seen in this movie. The boy children were given permission by their sick twisted foster mother to torture a beautiful innocent girl. As the torture worsen you feel more and more sympathy for the girl; this is what makes the movie excellent because it captures the audience in a very powerful way. To make this movie even more horrifying is realizing the movie is based on a true story. I would not recommend anyone to watch this movie before they go to bed because it will be hard to sleep having to think about the poor girl being tortured. I have a feeling this movie will be banned because its too explicit for the general public to watch.

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yes, good one
Did it leave you scarred inside?
about 10 times
Have a look at your face, do you see any horror?
thought it was porn
only heard about it, never seen.
but I actually read the book 3 years or so ago...
He's an Educated Troll
watching the gay-admins of crossfire, ESL & CB kill 6on6 was horror enough
lol,never had problem with sleep after watching any horror
nope, but it looks promising! mb i'll watch it
Somehow it looks like its going to be a nasty-movie insted of a scary one.....

E: downloading 100 kb/s béh
lemme know what it did to your mental health afterwards :)
Watching is a must, just be ready to be kicked in the gut with feelings...
Nice copy paste
Just watch it then?
You watch it!
Can't find a decent link on ùTorrent (piratebay)
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